Partner Wod, wod starts at 10:15. Be ready! If you are late we don’t wait.

Wod 1-
8 Minutes Amrap
7 Sits ups
7 wall balls
Switch partners
*each partner completes a round then switches

Wod 2
8 minutes Amrap
6 power cleans
6 burpees over your bar

Partner 2- Run 200m

Switch when you get back. Communicate.. switch your partner left off

Wod 3 TEAMS OF 3
8 minutes max bike cals however you want to split it

8am Endurance-
8 Minute partner row, switch every minute. fast transitions.

rest 5 minutes

25 Minute amrap
Up the ladder, set your bike and rower right by each other. Split the work however you want!
1 Bike Cal
1 Row Cal
1 Burpee
Next round, 2,2,2… next round 3,3,3 and on and on and on and on

9am Mobility

10am 30 minute time cap.
Teams of 2 or 3
100 Rower Cals
100 Slam ball over the shoulder
100 wall ball
100 Bike cals
100 wall ball
100 slam ball over the shoulder
100 rower cals

Warm up
800 M run
40 Good Mornings with light weight (empty bar)
20 empty bar deadlifts from the shin

Review deadlift at front board

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

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Compare to 171104.

CrossFit WOD 180412 Tips With Tyson Oldroyd
The Deadlift

Ideally, each set will be as heavy as possible for 3 reps, but newer athletes should start light and slowly add weight as they become comfortable.

14 Minutes
10 Deadlifts 225/155
400M Run
4 Muscle ups

14 minutes
10 deadlifts 185/135
400m Run
4 bar muscle ups or 7 Chest to bar pull ups OR 10 regular pull ups OR 10 assisted pull ups or ring rows.

5 Minute bike-
Overhead squat therapy 30 squats against the rig poles with a pvc pipe
The SESSION 2 of squats and milk
add 5 pounds onto your last successful session!
2 empty bar warm up sets
2 or 3 sets of 7-10 building to your number for the day
Put the weight on and go for 20!
12 minutes to finish
Meet at the board- Go over proper walls and rowing


50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Row (calories)
GHD sit-ups ( do regular sit ups and jump on the ghd for few rounds if it open)

Men: 20-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target
Women: 14-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target

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CrossFit WOD 180410 Tips With Emily Abbott
The Wall Ball
Rowing Course: Body Position
The GHD Sit-Up

This triplet offers a high volume of each movement, with a descending rep scheme that should allow you to maintain intensity as you progress. Newer athletes should reduce the total volume and avoid the GHD.

Intermediate Option
40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Row (calories)

Men: 20-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target
Women: 14-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target

Beginner Option
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Row (calories)

Men: 10-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target
Women: 6-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target

Warm up- 4 rounds
10 push ups
run 200
10 ring rows

Bench press
Build up to a one rep max. reps will look something like this
5,5,5,3,3,1,1,1+ (as many sets of as you need until you miss)

***********Read your scaling options, we want at least 10 reps on the bench press, pick a weight where you can get at least 10 reps

5 rounds for max reps of: Rest time between rounds is to full recovery. this is not a timed a wod.
Body-weight bench presses

Scroll for scaling options.
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

Compare to 131104.


The Bench Press

This workout offers five max-effort attempts at each exercise, regardless of how you modify the movements. Choose something that will allow you to get 10+ reps of each, even as you fatigue. Give yourself ample rest time after the pull-ups before beginning the next round of bench presses so you recover enough to get another big set.

Intermediate Option
5 rounds for max reps of:
¾-body-weight bench presses

Beginner Option
5 rounds for max reps of:
Ring rows

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