No strength today.. partner up, score sheets will be at the desk. Reliving the open is fantastic!
Warm up with overhead squats with pvc pipe.. at the very least. Coahces will review the movements with you before class!
Workout 18.3
2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 80-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches
Time cap: 14 minutes
Read the scorecard for full event details.
Post rounds/reps completed to comments and/or submit your score as part of the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
Scroll for scaling options.
Nicole Carroll’s Tips and Demo for Open Workout 18.3
The Open offers a prescribed and scaled version of each workout for any age group. If you are unable to complete the prescribed version, try the scaled version for your age.
Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 80-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches
Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches
Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches
Teenagers 14-15:
Boys perform 75-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches
Girls perform 55-lb. OHS, 20-lb. DB snatches
Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches
Girls perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 10-lb. DB snatches
Masters 55+:
Men perform 75-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 55-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches
Scaled Masters 55+:
Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches
Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 10-lb. DB snatches