No strength today. Hero Wod
There will be a time cap. Very few, if any should be doing the ghd situps, jump on for 1 or 2 rounds if you want, but otherwise do regular sits ups.


5 rounds for time of:
30 kettlebell swings
30 burpees
30 GHD sit-ups

Men: 2-pood kettlebell
Women: 1.5-pood kettlebell

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CrossFit WOD 180319 Tips With Jason Ackerman
The Kettlebell Swing
The Burpee
The GHD Sit-Up

This Hero workout is intended to be a long, metabolic challenge that places great demand on the midline. Reduce the reps and kettlebell weight so you can keep moving for 4 or 5 rounds with short breaks only. Newer athletes might want to avoid the GHD completely until they have built up a tolerance for this very potent movement.

Intermediate Option
4 rounds for time of:
30 kettlebell swings
30 burpees
30 GHD sit-ups

Men: 1.5-pood kettlebell
Women: 1-pood kettlebell

Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
20 kettlebell swings
20 burpees
20 sit-ups

Men: 1-pood kettlebell
Women: ½- pood kettlebell

Warm up-
10 Minutes to complete 40 perfect air squats against the wall, if you are not low enough we will set a wall ball behind you to squat to.
5 sets of 5 back squats
You know your 20 rep max… don’t hold back on these. build to a very heavy set of 5. do a couple warm up sets then start in on your sets of 5. Your final set of 5 should be much higher than your 20 rep max.


Wod- We did this a few months ago. Surprisingly difficult. not sure if we had many finish it RX. Try Strict weighted pull ups first, then pull ups, then kipping pull ups, then assisted  pull ups.

15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Dumbbell hang clean and jerks
Weighted pull-ups

Use one of the dumbbells for your weighted pull-ups.

Men: 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells

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CrossFit WOD 180317 Tips With Jason Ackerman
Weighted Pull-Up Variations

This workout should be completed relatively quickly. Choose a weight for the dumbbells that allows you to complete the set of 15 unbroken. The pull-ups might need to be broken into several sets. Choose a modification that is more challenging than you would normally use for standard pull-ups.

Intermediate Option
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Dumbbell hang clean and jerks
Strict pull-ups

Men: 35-lb. dumbbells
Women: 20-lb. dumbbells

Beginner Option
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Dumbbell hang clean and jerks
Jumping pull-ups with slowed descent

Men: 20-lb. dumbbells
Women: 10-lb. dumbbells

Sunday Funday

Hero Wod!


On a 35-minute clock with a partner:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
30 double-unders
15 pull-ups
15 push-ups
100-meter sprint

Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift

For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after a full round is completed. If you’re performing without a partner, rest 60 seconds between each round, and find a regular 1-rep-max deadlift.

Sgt. Scott Lunger, of Brentwood, California, died July 22, 2015, after being gunned down during a traffic stop. A second officer returned fire, hitting the suspect who was later caught and taken into police custody. Lunger, 48, had served the Hayward Police Department since 2001 as a beat cop, on the special duty unit, gang task force, SWAT, was a Field Training Officer and acting lieutenant at the time of his death. Lunger is survived by his daughters, Ashton and Saralyn; brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Shey; brother Todd; sister and brother-in-law, Michelle and Lance Schroeder; father and stepmother, Paul and Donna; half sister, Ciara; and many other family and friends. He is preceded in death by his mother, Alice.

6am- Come run a 5k with us! It’s practice.All paces welcome, Nobody likes to run in a dark industrial park alone.

8am- Endurance class.
Partner row. 20 intervals total. 10 each
45 seonds on, 15 second transition, next person goes 45 seconds,
Wod 2
10 Minutes-alternate partners
5 cal bike
100m run
2 burpees each,
switch spots

9am Mobility

10am Chipper Wod-
40 Minute Cap
50m Weighted lunge (split how you want)
100 Slam balls over the shoulder
50M weighted lunge
100 Cal Bike
50M weighted lunge
100 Cal row
50M weighted lunge
100 shoulder to overhead with dumbbells
50M weighted lunge
100 Burpees
50m weighted lunge

Workout 18.4

21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlifts, 225 lb. / 155 lb.
Handstand push-ups
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlifts, 315 lb. / 205 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk after each set

Time cap: 9 minutes

Read the scorecard for full event details.

Post rounds/reps completed to comments and/or submit your score as part of the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.

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Nicole Carroll’s Tips and Demo for Open Workout 18.4

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