Teams of 2

Chipper- 40 minute AMRAP. can you finish 1 round and get back to the rower?
1000m Row (split how you want)
800m Run (each run 400m)
70 Bike cals
60 Clean and Jerks 135/95 (split how you want, but try for 30 each, this is going to take a little while)
50 Meter Sled push (down and back once, split how you want. make it heavy)
40 burpees
30 toes to bar
20 Snatches 135/95 if you need to adjust weight compared to the C=J please only use one bar
10 Man Makers

8am Endurance Wod-
It’s been one month since we did this-
8am Endurance- Famous Train Harder Triathlon
1500M row
1 Mile Run
1 Bike Tabata
1000m Row
800m Run
1 Bike Tabata
500M row
400m Run
1 Bike tabata

Write down your bike cals after every tabata. You get to take a second off your time for every cal.

9am Mobility

10am chipper.
1.5 mile run
40 OHS (135/95)
1 Mile Run
30 Front Squats (185/135)
800 M run
20 back squats (225/155)
400 meter run

Warm up-
3 rounds
Row 10 cals
20 OHS with pvc
20 Pass throughs

0-2 Minutes 10 power position power snatch
2-3 Minutes 10 Hang position power snatch
3-4 Minutes 10 Power Snatch from the knee

15 minutes to build to your heaviest 3 reps of TOUCH AND GO power snatch.


Regionals Event 4

For time:
2 rounds of:
10 snatches, 175 / 125 lb.
12 burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
10 snatches, 115 / 75 lb.
12 burpees

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CrossFit WOD 180519 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Power Snatch
The Burpee

Reduce the load and volume to keep this a sprint. The weight should be challenging but light enough to string reps together without dropping the bar. Reduce the number of burpees so that you can maintain a fast pace.

Intermediate Option
For time:
2 rounds of:
10 snatches, 125 / 105 lb.
12 burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
10 snatches, 75 / 55 lb.
12 burpees

Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
10 snatches, 45 / 35 lb.
6 burpees

No Strength Today
Triple 3’s READ THE SCALING. Don’t use the excuse “I cant do that, I am not coming in.” We will help you scale back so you can do this.

Triple 3
For time:
3,000-m row
300 double-unders
3-mile run

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CrossFit WOD 180518 Tips With Rory McKernan
You and Mat Fraser Vs. Linda and Triple 3

Massively reduce the volume. This should be a long-duration workout, but not so long that you die. Try single-unders. Keep it long.

Beginner Option
For time:
1,000-m row
100 single-unders
1-mile run


14th session of squats and milk. A few more sessions and then we are done

Warm up- 30 perfect air squat.
If you are not doing squats and milk do 6 sets of heavy 3’s

You have 16 minutes to do this. We are only doing it once this week.

3 Rounds for time
15 power cleans 185/135
15 Burpees over your bar.

Reduce weight. Your first 5-10 of each round of the cleans you should be able to do touch and go.

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