Sunday Funday with a twist…
This is a partner wod, until the final wod.

Wod 1- 11 Minute Amrap, split the work how you want
50 cal row
150 doubles or 250 singles

Wod 2- 11 minute amrap
20 cal bike
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65
20 burpees

100 DB single arm hang clean and jerk. Try to even it out 50 per arm but you are not required to alternate every rep.. 5 per arm then switch is a safe bet

***EMOM complete 5 toes to bar or 10 sit ups
***Wod starts with 5 toes to bar

Endurance- 5k Training. You have four weeks until you attempt to run your fastest 5k whether it here or at this race on Friday April 19th


Two options-
If you have run a 5k, treat this as speed work. Go fast on these miles
3×1 mile with 5 minute rest
If you haven’t run a 5k treat this as time on your feet. Go slower. Run a mile slow. Rest 5 minutes repeat 2 or three times


10am Partner chipper 40 minute cap. Will anybody make it! split the work however you want.
Start with 1000M Row
Then go into
10 rope climbs (or 10 pulls each from the floor)
10 Sled push (50 meters down and back)
20 Man Makers
20 100m sprints (go every other person)
30 Power Cleans 135/95
30 Shoulder to overhead 135/95
60 Slam balls over the shoulder
60 Walking lunge with slam ball
80 wall balls
80 Burpees
100 Cal bike
100 walking lunges
1000m row cash out

Workout of the day can be found at

Are you all ready for 19.4?
Class times are 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am and then beginning at 4am we will start Friday Night Lights. Just show up anytime, warm up and we will get you into a heat.

Because of the Crossfit Open we won’t be having a strength piece today. Instead we start class with a short 5 minute bike and then 15 minutes of mobility.

Partner Wod-
25 Minute Amrap Split all work however yo want.
2 sled pushes
50 foot overhead walking lunge with DB
40 wall balls
30 cal row
20 Hand stand push ups or combination of Hspu and push ups, switch when you want, they dont have to be strict HSPU.

Warm up-
800 m run (morning classes run four 200’s so we dont drag dirt in)
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
10 pass throughs

Review press, push press, push jerk…. as a family!

Strict press- Work your way to a 1 rep max, start light, get at least 7 sets to get there. Might look like this after 2 sets of empty bar press
5,5,(60ish %)3,3,3 (working up) 1,1.1+ until you fail
Next Push Press, work your way to a 1 rep max. Start where you left off on your strict press. Add slowly… 2.5s and 5’s, this should be about 7 more sets
Last Push jerk. Start where you left off on push press… add slow, probably lest sets on this one but go until you fail


Running Annie
Double unders
Sit ups
run 400 between each round

if you dont have doubles TRIPLE the number of jump rope

1 381 382 383 384 385 540