Skill/warm up
1- 10 BirdDogs Total. demo here
2- 8 Supermans
3- 12 Hip Circles 6 In 6 Out
4- 100m Run
5- 30 Sec Plank


28minute EMOM
Minute 1-6 Deadlifts RX-225/155 INT-205/135 BEG-185/115
Minute 2- 200mRun
Minute 3-6 Back Squats RX-225/155 INT-205/135 BEG-185/115
Minute 4-Rest

We can set up bars on the rack to back squat BUT the Rx way to do this would be to take it from the ground and rack it on your own back. UNLESS YOU HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER THE BAR do not try that. During the wod is also not time to do that. I would rather have bars set up all over the place (on the floor and in the racks) than have someone hurt themself.

Partner Warm up
4 Rounds P1-Rows 250m P2-Holds Wall Sit
Get there on time today. Getting a lot of work done today

ST: Back Squat 6@70% 3@75% 6@70% 3@80% 6@70% 3@85%

Crossfit Games Age Group Qualifier
6 Min Cap
30 Snatches (RX 135/95 INT 115/75 BG 95/65)
30 Strict HSPU (scale to 30 kipping hspu or 30 push ups)

4 minute rest

Age Group Qualifier
8 Min AMRAP (95/65rx-65/45int)
45 Thrusters
45 Toes to Bar
45 Cleans
45 Chest To Bar

“Gary Purdham” All weights 95/65
31Min AMRAP with Partner
31 Double Unders
31 Deadlifts
31 Push Ups
31Box Jumps
31Hang Power Cleans
31 Air Squats
31 KB Swings 53/35
31 S2OH
31 Sit ups
31 Cal Row
31 WBS 20/14

May the 4th be with you

8am Endurance
Option 1- 5 by 800m repeats with 3 minutes rest in between. With the long rest that means go all out on every 800
Option 2- Train Harder Triathlon
1500M row
1 Mile Run
1 Bike Tabata
1000m Row
800m Run
1 Bike Tabata
500M row
400m Run
1 Bike tabata

*********** Write your bike cals down after every round! You get to take a second off your time for every cal you get on the bike!

9am Mobility

Partner Wod
With a Partner:
10 Rounds
5 WB
3 HSPU (sub 10 push ups split how you want)
1 Snatch 155/110
then 20 rounds
5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats
Then 10 Rounds
5 WB
3 HSPU (sub 10 push ups, split how you want)
1 Clean and Jerk 200/140

Warm up
3 Rounds 150M Row, 8 Barbell Shrugs, 5 Clean High Pulls, 5 Hang Power Cleans, 5 Front Squats

Strength- Squat Clean Complex- You will have 5 minutes to warm up to your first weight, you can also add weight during the 5 sets.
5 Sets
Start your set Every 3 Minutes
2 High Hang Squat Cleans
2 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Squat Clean

12 Min AMRAP
2-4-6-8…and on an on up the ladder
Sit Ups
Dumbell Thrusters 50/35

1 371 372 373 374 375 540