****REMEMBER ****
Saturday is our Inner-Gym Competetion AND
Gym-iversary Celebration at Escape Brewing at 7pm
There is more information on the Facebook Page

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
2 mins Run(400m)-Bike-Row
10 Empty Bar Good Mornings
1x Burgener warm-up

Front Squat 2-3-5-10-2-3-5-10
Use the same weight for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
–Coaches Notes:–
If you are comfortable and mobility permitting with the volume of these rep sets use the same weight for all of the sets and aim to use from 60%to 80% of your 1 rep max Front Squat. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t have to change the weight at any point, so base the weight choice off the sets of 10 reps.

15 Min AMRAP
15 Push Jerks 115/85 INT-95/65 BEG-75/45
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders or Singles
–Coaches Notes:–
The volume of all 3 of these movements is going to add up real fast. When warming up decide how you will split those overhead presses and pick a weight that is comfortable for at least half or more of the reps. Keeping in mind that it is a PUSH JERK so you should be dropping underneath the bar for the second dip. It will save your arms by using that leg drive and catch. That air squat section should be done unbroken and can be used for a time to catch your breath and steadily go through those 30 reps.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Floor Press (Video Posted Below)
You can use a barbell or DBs, whatever you are comfortable with. This should be on the heavier ide for those 5 reps.
Rest between sets.
Option 2:
Barbell Hip Bridges
Rest between sets

Time to work off that Turkey

Partner Wod Chipper, can be done in any order but you must finish one movement before you move to another. choose your game plan wisely for what order you are doing this in.. try to alternate a pushing movement with a pulling movement
40 Minute cap
100 rower cal
100 bike cals
1000m ski erg (this will be tricky because there is only 1, but if its open, jump on it)
1000 M run together (run to where the cable company vans are parked, two buildings before the post office)
100 Slam ball over your shoulder 50/30
100 squats with your slam ball 50/30
100 dumbbell snatches 50/30 Rx plus is 70
100 single arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk
100 doubles or 300 singles
100 Ring rows (everyone does ring rows, no pull ups today)
100 burpees

8am Endurance: 2 options
** if you can not run, we have subs for that. don’t avoid this workout if you are currently unable to run.
Option 1
Run 1 hour straight.. whatttttt?? don’t worry we can scale by time starting with 20 minutes of run/walk for beginners. 20 to easy try 30… or 40.. or 50.. you get the picture. This is meant to be a slow pace! Don’t sub out 20 minutes of fast running if you know you could do 40 minutes at a slower pace. It’s two different things.


Famous Train Harder Triathlon v 2.0
1500M row
1 Mile Run
20 cal bike
1000m Row
800m Run
25 cal bike
500M row
400m Run
30 cal bike

9am Mobility

10am Workout:
Warm Up:
4 mins Run(800m)-Bike-Row
2 Rounds:
10 Sit-ups
10 Lunges
1x Burgener warm-up W/Empty Bar

4 rounds for time of:
600m Run
25m Dumbbell Lunge 50/35
20 Sec L-Sit Or Bar Hang
–Coaches Notes–
This one is going to take a bit, so get yourself ready to grind it out. A goal time for this should be around 25 minutes or to keep it under 30 minutes. The first 2 sections will have those legs burning but then we get off them on that L-Sit or Bar Hang souse that time well. Once we get off those 20seconds get yourself outside to start that run again, even if it to walk the corner.

4 rounds for time of:
600m Run I go You Go (Partner 1 will Hold DB while the other runs)
50m Dumbbell Lunge 50/35
20 Sec LSit Or Bar Hang (Partner 1 will Hold Squat while the other hangs)

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Medicine Ball Clean (Video Posted Below)
1×100 at 20/14
INT-75 Reps BEG-50 Reps 14/12
Option 2:
Row Calorie:
2 Rounds
Row for 1:15 min
Rest 3 mins between rounds.
Score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Warm Up:
4 Rounds:
1 min Run(200m)-Bike-Row
5 Air Squats
5 Ring Rows
5 Hollow Rocks or 30 sec Hollow Hold
1 Turkish get-up, right arm
1 Turkish get-up, left arm

**you can do this as partner wod or solo. IF you are going solo SWITCH THE PULL UPS TO 10 PER ROUND
5 Rounds Each For Time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats
Rest 3 mins between each round.
Do not include your rest when logging time.
–Coaches Notes–
What better way to come back from that macro friendly Thanksgiving dinner(s) we all had than a good SOLID benchmark workout?! Barbara is one of those benchmark workouts that will test your ability to push past that want to stop. The volume of this workout adds up BUT do keep in mind that you do get a full 3 minutes of rest after EACH ROUND. 3 minutes is a long for recovery for bodyweight movements so use it wisely. Shake out what gets tight, get your heart rate down, and think about where adjustments could be made for he next round to keep it at the same time or faster than the previous round. Set a goal of 4 to 6 minutes a round and keep that pace for all 5 rounds.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Farmers Carry
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set, with either DB or KB.
Rest as needed between sets.
Option 2:
For quality: 15 Low Ring Muscle-ups (Video Posted Below)
Even if you aren’t quite to muscle ups yet these drill can still be beneficial. The awareness and stability that it takes for the transition can be applied to other movements.

Related image

Meet at the Suncoast Trail Parking Lot at 7:40am to join us for the
4th Annual Bill Sheehan Turkey Sandwich 5k
. The run will start at 8am

The gym will be closed for the day
Enjoy the day with your family and loved ones and give thanks for another wonderful year and all that has been in it. We know we are beyond thankful for all of you being a part of the Train Harder family. Here is to another year and many more of being thankful for each other!!
-The TH Coaches

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