Warm Up:
6 Min Run(800m)-Bike-Row
2 Rounds:
10 Lateral Lunges
10 Squat Therapy Reps
10 Good Mornings
5 Broad Jumps or Box Jumps

Back Squat … say what, we just did this yesterday. Surprise, different reps, different loads. Squats are good for you! Can you squat heavy on tired legs. Back squats, back to back, keep the body guessing!
Focus on technique, not load.
Rest as needed between sets.

2 Rounds:
80 Double Unders or Singles
40 Air Squats
20 Deadlifts, 185/135 INT-155/115 BEG-135/95 (Video Posted Below)Two–Coaches Notes–
Two nice and fast rounds of work to be done here. Those who are between doubles and singles give yourself about 5 SOLID attempts at doubles today before switching to singles and finishing the set of 80 reps. The air squats should be done unbroken and could be where you can catch your breath. The deadlifts can be cut into at least half. Pushing for all 20 isn’t impossible since we have only two rounds of work to do but keep in mind of your technique and form with those. This weight isn’t super heavy but at lighter weight form seems to go first.

**Optional Accessory Work** all or some
Option 1:
10 Minutes.
Trying to go as far as you can in either area.
Option 2:
Sled Push
Make it heavy!!
Option 3:
Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (Video Posted Below)

Image result for christmas running

Warm Up:
5 min Bike or Row
5 Rounds
10m High Knees
10m Butt Kicks
6 Jumping Squats
6 Leg Swings Each Leg
50m run (increase acceleration each time)

Run: 10x 100m
Rest as needed between efforts.
–Coaches Notes–
Find yourself a partner with this, maybe someone to help push you to REALLY sprint these out. What makes friendships stronger than a good foot race? For those who need a substitution for running the run will turn into 10x100m Row Sprints instead, same rules apply. Those running your SPRINTS should take no more than 30 seconds, try your best to stay on the lower side of 20 seconds. It does say rest as needed but make sure you don’t take too long of a break that you cool down at all for the next effort. Keep the rest around the same time for as many rounds as you can.

Strength work
Its always good to squat. DO YOUR SPRINTS FIRST!!
Come back in and hit 4 sets of 10 back squats at 60 percent of your 1rm. Your legs should be toasted after today.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Russian Twist
Rest as Needed Between Sets
Option 2:
Box Jump-You Pick Height
20-30 QUALITY Reps.
Accumulate 20-30 reps. Not for time. The focus is explosive power. Step down each time to help recover for your next explosive rep. Height should be challenging, yet appropriate. AGAIN These are not for time.

Image result for Holiday Sunday Funday

Warm Up:
5 min Run (800m)-Bike-Row
2 Runds:
2 Turkish get-up Right Arm
2 Turkish get-up Left Arm
5-7 Pull-ups (chest-to-bar, chin-over-bar, or ring rows)
5-7 Toes-to-Bar Or Knee Raises Or Sit-Ups
1x Burgener warm-up

Teams of 2:
200 Wall Balls 20/14
150 AbMat Sit-ups
50 Strict Ring Dips INT/BEG-Other Progression or Bench Dips
40 Push Jerks 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG/95/75
30 Bar Muscle-ups INT/BEG-Other Pull Up Progression +Dip Combo
–Coaches Notes–
The work should be split as even as it can be between the 2 of you. There might be some movements where one of you agrees to do a little more than the other but again try to keep it even throughout the whole workout. The workout should take the of you around 20 minutes Make sure your transitions are nice and fast and you aren’t over pulling for reps when a “rested” partner could be going through reps as well. If you are at different progressions with some of the movements still use the same rep count. Same with the barbell, if ne needs a lighter bar try to compromise to one weight and use one barbell best you can.

8am Endurance
Run 1 mile
Rest 3 Minutes
Run 800×2 Rest 3 minutes between
Run 1 mile
Miles should be faster than 5k pace.. 800’s should be faster pace than first mile

Partner endurance
20 Rounds
Row 45 seconds
transition time 15 seconds
Partner rows 45 seconds
** Idea is to race your partner for to see who gets most meters each round.
Rest 5 minutes after
Team up for 12 minutes on the bike, switch every minute, when you switch do 3 burpees each. Idea is to beat all the other teams calories.

9am mobility

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
2 min Run(400m)-Bike-Row
10 Walking Lunge Empty Bar on Back
8 Good Mornings
1 Burgener warm-up with Empty Barbell

5 Rounds:
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 INT-53/35 BEG-35/25
15 Burpees
Rest 3 minutes
5 Rounds:
9 Thrusters 115/75 INT-95/65 BEG-75/55
1 Legless Rope Climb Or Progression Of

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Overhead Carry
Use the heaviest weight manageable for the 3 sets
Rest as Needed Between.
Option 2:
Farmers Carry
Use the heaviest weight manageable for the 3 sets
Rest as Needed Between.

Image result for Friday the 13th December

Warm Up:
3 min Run (600m)-Bike-Row
3 Rounds:
8 Leg Swings Each Leg
5 Empty Bar Deadlifts
5 Empty Bar Hang Power Cleans
5 Empty Bar Front Squats
5 Empty Bar Shoulder Press(Strict Press)

Clean & Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3
Rest as needed between sets.
You will have plenty of options for this workout. Biggest thing is going to be if you’d like to go with a movement you’re comfortable with for the day or if you’d like to work on one you tend to struggle with. you have the option of doing a Squat Clean or Power Clean, you can Split Jerk or use the Push Jerk. (videos for both options are posted below). Same with your weight choice as well. Weight wise should be working anywhere from 50% to 75% for your sets. You can stay at 1 weight for all 6 sets or your can change it.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
L Sit
Buid to 2 or 3 Minutes
Option 2:
Pause Clean Deadlift
Pause 2-3 secs at the top. Use 80% to 110% of your 1RM Clean, OTN DEADLIFT. Rest as needed between sets.

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