8am Endurance: Let have some fun and not just run
1 Mile run
2 Mile Row (3200m)
5 Mile Assault Bike

9am Mobility

Image result for Christmas Yoga

10am Workout:
If you’d like to do this with a partner then just double the rep counts and split them however you’d like between the two of you.
Hang Power Snatches 135/95 INT-115/85 BEG-95/65
Pull Ups Or Progression
Rest 5 Minutes
15-12-9 reps:
Ring Dips Or Progression (banded,jumping,negtives)
Overhead Squat 115/75 INT-95/75 BEG-75/55
Rest 5 Mins
Hang Power Cleans 135/95 INT-115/85 BEG-95/65
Bar Facing Burpees
–Coaches Notes–
If you are going though this solo make sure you really break down each section of this workout. There is a little bit of everything for you here. Best thing to do with wods like this are use your strengths to your advantage to save yourself time. BUT that doesn’t mean throw those movements that you might “struggle” with out the window and to the lowest progression. We can use that middle section as an example, yes ring dips are hard and yes OHS are hard for some people, but if you ick a proper progression(banded dips/good working weight) that section can sill be super beneficial for the day. 5 Minutes of rest is a LONG time so taking that time to break down the next part will help as well.

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
2 min Run(600m)-Row-Bike
8 Good Mornings with Empty Barbell
1x Burgener Warm-Up with Empty Barbell
1 Turkish get-up, R-arm – you choose load
1 Turkish get-up, L-arm – you choose load

Strength/warm up for the heavy deadlifts in the wod
Take 6 to 7 sets or about 15 minutes to warm up to the the weight you are going to use in the wod for the deadlift. You CAN go over the weight are going to use and use this as strength session.

3 rounds for time of:
21 Wall Balls 20/14 BEG-14/12
14 Handstand Push-ups INT-Any Upside down Progression BEG-DB Strict Press
7 Deadlifts 315/205 INT- 225/185 BEG-205/145
–Coaches Notes–
These movements are those that people have tendencies to get out of good form to try to make up time. Keep the progressions correct so that you don’t try to out work the form for speed!! Especially because those Deadlifts are meant to be heavy for the workout, going to singles and double type of heavy. If you are in between those written progressions for weight still keep it heavy for you. Even adding in those HSPU as a higher technical skill and heavy Deadlifts this workout should take under 15 minutes.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Strict Press
Heavy as you can for each set of UNBROKEN 12 reps
Rest as needed between sets.
Option 2:
Wall Walk
15-20 QUALITY Reps
These are not meant to be done fast. Controlled walk up AND down, don’t just fall down.
Rest as needed between sets.
Option 3:
Sled Push
These should be HEAVY pushes for those 50m
Rest as needed between sets.

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
1 Min Run(200m)-Bike-Row
3 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
12 Hang Power snatch with and empty bar

12 Minutes Emom, Have your weights ready by your bar
3 Hang power snatches (try to add weight as you go)

For time:
50 Burpee Pull-ups INT-40 Reps/PU Progression BEG-30 Reps/Progression
Rest 5 mins
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in INT-40 Reps BEG-30 Reps
Rest 5 mins
50 Bar Facing Burpees INT-40 Reps BEG-30 Reps
((Demo Videos For Each Are Posted Below))
–Coaches Notes–
Instead of adding all those reps up, rolling your eyes to the back of your head, and already hate this workout because of some burpees. TRY to recognize that each set of these burpees will be different. The Pull-up, Box Jump, and that barbell will change up the dynamic of each set. All three of these parts should stay under 8 minutes which is why we set those progressional rep sets. Those SHOULD NOT be used because you’re avoiding burpee sets. Use those counts if you know that it would take you 8+ Minutes to finish those sets with doing 50 reps.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
40 Reps Each Leg
Use the heaviest weight you can for the set.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
1 Minute Run(200m)-Bike-Row
20 Jumping Jacks
7 Sit-Ups
7 PVC Pass Throughs
4 Low Ring Muscle-Up Transitions
2 Turkish get-up Right Arm
2 Turkish get-up Left Arm

14 Minute AMRAP
1 Rope Climb BEG-3 Low Rope Pulls
3 Ring Muscle-ups INT-3 C2B+Dip BEG-3 Pull Up+Dip
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
7 Toes-To-Bars BEG-Knee Raises
–Coaches Notes–
Even with 14 minutes being a “longer” workout the first half of each round shouldn’t take you very long. The Burpee Box Jump Overs is where you MIGHT feel that bottleneck in the workout, remember that it is only 5 reps and that you can step up and over the box as well to help keep them moving. . With that being said make sure you pick a proper progression for the rope climb and for the Muscle Up. Pick a high progression for the day but don’t go too far that you might see a bunch of failed reps in there a few is okay but if you find yourself stuck at that section then change it up. Score wise you should be aiming for 5 to 9 rounds.

**Accessory Work** All or some
Tempo Push Up
Rest as needed between sets.
Tempo- 1 Sec Up-2 Sec Pause at the Top-7 Seconds Down-7 Seconds Hold Off The Ground

Plank Hold
Build to 3 Minutes

Option 3:
Bench+ Superset with 5×10 (each arm) Dumbbell Rows on a bench.

Warm Up:
6 Min Run(800m)-Bike-Row
2 Rounds:
10 Lateral Lunges
10 Squat Therapy Reps
10 Good Mornings
5 Broad Jumps or Box Jumps

Back Squat … say what, we just did this yesterday. Surprise, different reps, different loads. Squats are good for you! Can you squat heavy on tired legs. Back squats, back to back, keep the body guessing!
Focus on technique, not load.
Rest as needed between sets.

2 Rounds:
80 Double Unders or Singles
40 Air Squats
20 Deadlifts, 185/135 INT-155/115 BEG-135/95 (Video Posted Below)Two–Coaches Notes–
Two nice and fast rounds of work to be done here. Those who are between doubles and singles give yourself about 5 SOLID attempts at doubles today before switching to singles and finishing the set of 80 reps. The air squats should be done unbroken and could be where you can catch your breath. The deadlifts can be cut into at least half. Pushing for all 20 isn’t impossible since we have only two rounds of work to do but keep in mind of your technique and form with those. This weight isn’t super heavy but at lighter weight form seems to go first.

**Optional Accessory Work** all or some
Option 1:
10 Minutes.
Trying to go as far as you can in either area.
Option 2:
Sled Push
Make it heavy!!
Option 3:
Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (Video Posted Below)

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