8am Endurance: Let have some fun and not just run
1 Mile run
2 Mile Row (3200m)
5 Mile Assault Bike
9am Mobility

10am Workout:
If you’d like to do this with a partner then just double the rep counts and split them however you’d like between the two of you.
Hang Power Snatches 135/95 INT-115/85 BEG-95/65
Pull Ups Or Progression
Rest 5 Minutes
15-12-9 reps:
Ring Dips Or Progression (banded,jumping,negtives)
Overhead Squat 115/75 INT-95/75 BEG-75/55
Rest 5 Mins
Hang Power Cleans 135/95 INT-115/85 BEG-95/65
Bar Facing Burpees
–Coaches Notes–
If you are going though this solo make sure you really break down each section of this workout. There is a little bit of everything for you here. Best thing to do with wods like this are use your strengths to your advantage to save yourself time. BUT that doesn’t mean throw those movements that you might “struggle” with out the window and to the lowest progression. We can use that middle section as an example, yes ring dips are hard and yes OHS are hard for some people, but if you ick a proper progression(banded dips/good working weight) that section can sill be super beneficial for the day. 5 Minutes of rest is a LONG time so taking that time to break down the next part will help as well.