Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
1min Run-Bike-Row (Increase pace each round)
5 Ring Rows
10 KB Swings
10 PVC Passthroughs
10m Walking Lunges

Reday to bench press!
4 Sets of 10 at the heaviest weight possible where you can get all 10 reps WITHOUT reracking the weight.

3 Rounds:
400m Run
3 rounds of Cindy
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
–Coaches Notes–
This combo of these movements might feel familiar to some of you(Murph-like), if it does then you’ll be able to recognize the pace you’ll be able to keep through the rounds. 3 Rounds of this should take anywhere from 18-25 minutes, really depending on where you want to push through the sets. If you know you’ll do better on the run save your time there and push the pace, if it is with the movements then keep the working sets in moveable sets and don’t over reach for reps.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1-
Heel Touches
Rest As Needed Between
Option 2-
Candlestick Conditioning (video Posted Below)
Build to 5 to 10 Minutes

Warm Up:
4 Rounds:
10m High Knees
7 Burpees
7 Deadlifts With Empty Barbell
7 Bent Over Rows With Empty Barbell

**Would like everyone on a rower. this is a lot harder than it looks. Pair up. One person goes while the other rests. In classes over 18 people we will start taking bike and or ski erg pairs.
Each For Time:
1000m Row x 3
Rest as needed between efforts.
–Coaches Notes–
We might have to partner up in some of the classes depending on how many people we have. We will get everyone on a rower though. These are meant to be 1000m “sprints” trying to keep your times as close to each other or faster as you can. Really fast times will be in 3’s. Setting yourself up for these can purely depending how you can handle the distance, even with it being a sprint you want to be able to KEEP that fast pace the whole time. Set your damper on something that is easy to pull and keep the rhythm of your pulls face and consistent.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1-
Plank Hold
Accumulate 1-2 mins
Option 2-
Shoulder Press
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Warm Up:
3 mins of jogging, biking or rowing followed by…
3 rounds not for time of:
5 hip & back extensions
2 Turkish get-ups, R-arm – you choose load
2 Turkish get-ups, L-arm – you choose load
7 power clean & push press, empty barbell
5 pull-ups or ring rows
5 knees-to-elbows, v-ups or sit-ups

For time:
400m Run
15 Clean & Jerks 135/95
3 Rope Climbs
400m Run
12 Clean & Jerks 135/95
2 Rope Climbs
400m Run
9 Clean & Jerks 135/95
1 Rope Climb
–Coaches Notes–
Happy Monday!! Another great way to start a week off. At a glance this workout can seem like a bit much BUT if you break it down to what section you’ll “look forward” to then it can ease the look of it. If you need to substitute the running you can use these conversions for the day, replace each 400 m of running with either .75 mile on the Assault Bike or 500m on the Concept 2 Rower or Ski Erg. The weight of that barbell should be a moderate working weight for the clean and jerks, a weight that isn’t flying up light but SUPER manageable. Manageable enough that the workout should take you under 20 minutes and close to that 13-15 minute mark.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1-
Hollow Rocks (Video Posted Below)
Accumulate 30-60 reps in as few sets as possible.
Option 2-
Overhead Carry
Use DB,KB, or a Barbell with a “Press Grip”
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Warm Up:
Find A Partner
500m Row
5 Junkyard Dogs
10 Synchro Lunges
30 Double Unders or Singles

With A Partner
15min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
1 Clean & Jerk 185/135 INT-165/115 BEG-135/95
((Alternate Weight Option: ADD WEIGHT EVERY 3 ROUNDS 135/95-155/105-185/135-205/155-215/165))
10min AMRAP
50 Double Unders or Singles
18 Burpees
10min AMRAP
P1: 5 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 INT-53/35 BEG-35/25
5 Handstand Push-ups INT-Mat Progression BEG-30sec Hold or DB Strict Press
P2: 200m Run
**Switch every time partner comes in from the run

8am Endurance: Pick one these are both hero wods!
**Scaling on the board
Wear a vest for either if you want.. or dont…

Option 1-
Run 1 mile
Row 2000
Run 1 mile

Option 2

For time:
Run 1.5 miles
150 burpees
Run 1.5 miles

9am Mobility

Image result for funny stretching

10am Class:
Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Walking Lunges
7 Sit Ups
5 Inchworms

7min AMRAP
25 Double Unders
10 Burpees
Rest 5 mins
7min AMRAP
7 Toes To Bars
7 Burpees
Rest 5 Mins
7min AMRAP
25 Double Unders
7 Toes To Bar
((If you partner up make sure to double JUST THE REPS not the time))

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