Warm up
4 Rounds
10 High knees
10 Sampson Stretch
10 Butt kicks
10 squats

Wod- Dumbbell version
Every 4min. x 5 Rounds:
400m run/row (or approximately 2 mintues)
Then 2 Rounds of DB “DT”
DT = 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power cleans, 6 Jerks
**If you only have a single dumbbell alternate arms on your hand power cleans and jerks
**If you finish the run/row AND 2 rounds of DT before the 4 minutes is up, you have the rest of the minute to rest. If you don’t this turns into AMRAP and just finish as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes


Barbell version is the same as dumbbell only use a barbell. Rx weight is 155/105

Extra work
3 Rounds
30 Russian twists
30 sit ups
30 Leg raises.

Warm up
3 rounds
200 M Run
15 Pass Through
10 Push ups

EMOM x 10min.(both in the same min.)
8 Alt. DB Snatches
8 Burpees
Rest 5min.
EMOM x 15min.
Minute 1.) As many Renegade Rows as possible (Single DB alternate every 5 reps
Minute 2.) As many push-ups as possible
Minute 3.) Rest
*No rest. Try and stop about 15-20sec. before the next minute to get
rest. If you can handle working non-stop then just go for it!
Extra Credit:
100 Sit-Ups with DB

Barbell version
10 Minute EMOM *Both movement in the same minutes
6 Power Snatches
6 Burpees over your bar
-Rest 5-
EMOM x 15min.
Minute 1.) As many bent over rows or possible
Minute 2.) As many push-ups as possible
Minute 3.) Rest

Extra Credit- 100 Weighted sit ups.

Warm up
4 Rounds
7 Empty bar of pvc pipe (broom) presses
7 Hang cleans
10 squats

Every 10min. x 3 Rounds:
800m Run, row or 50/40 cal bike don’t go over 4 minutes on this part
30 Bent over rows with DB, 15 one arm, 15 the other arm
30 DB Hang Squat Cleans (double or single, if single alternate every 15)
*if you finish before 10 minutes you have the rest of the time to rest, if you dont just turn it into an AMRAP with a 30 a minute cap.

Barbell Version
800 m run or row (50/40 cal bike) dont go longer than 4 minutes
30 bent over rows (light 95/65)
30 hang squat cleans (same weight)

At home run
30 minutes of running- or run-walk-run or just a walk

Mobility – Go friend Tanya on her Facebook page. She will do facebook live mobility there!

Warm up
5 minutes of run bike row
then 3 Rounds
10 Push ups
10 Squats
20 sit ups

EMOM x 10min.(both movements in the same min.)
12 Single Arm DB Swings 50/35 (switch arms every other min.)
*think KB swing on or simply use a KB
12 Air Squats
*If you need to scale this to 10 and 10 that’s fine, but make sure
it’s hard!
Rest 5min.
EMOM x 10min.(both in the same min.)
8 DB Deadlifts 70/50
16 Push-Ups
*A round should be 30-40sec. so keep that in mind if you want to
add or subtract a few reps.

Barbell version
even minutes 7 barbell snatches 95/65
Odd 20 AIr squats
Rest 5 Minin
EMOMx10 (both in the same minutes)
8 Deadlifts 135/85
16 push ups

Extra Credit:
400m Farmer Carry with 45/30+ DBs or anything you can carry.. buckets with sand?

Happy Friday. We will keep you posted on any news we hear as soon as we hear it.

For the warmup today get out and move. 5 minute walk or run
Then 4 rounds
10 pass throughs (use a broom, rake, shovel, long paint roller handle)
10 Push ups
20 doubles or jumping jacks

21-15-9 Reps Of:
DB Power Cleans 50/35 (Barbell version is 135/95)
Handstand Push-Ups (sub inverted push ups, DB/KB strict press or hand release push ups.
Rest 2min.
DB Push Press (or barbell push press

Accessory Work:
5 Rounds:
40sec. of Alt. Bicep Curls (L+R= 2reps)
20sec. Rest
40sec. of Max Skull Crushers (barbell or dumbbell)
20sec. Rest
40sec. of a Plank Hold on your hands
20sec. Rest

***if you are working with a single DB or KB change the reps to 21 EACH ARM, 15 EACH ARM, 9 EACH ARM for the weighed work. |

Mobility cool down.
This has the word relaxing in the title!

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