Happy Friday. We will keep you posted on any news we hear as soon as we hear it.
For the warmup today get out and move. 5 minute walk or run
Then 4 rounds
10 pass throughs (use a broom, rake, shovel, long paint roller handle)
10 Push ups
20 doubles or jumping jacks
21-15-9 Reps Of:
DB Power Cleans 50/35 (Barbell version is 135/95)
Handstand Push-Ups (sub inverted push ups, DB/KB strict press or hand release push ups.
Rest 2min.
DB Push Press (or barbell push press
Accessory Work:
5 Rounds:
40sec. of Alt. Bicep Curls (L+R= 2reps)
20sec. Rest
40sec. of Max Skull Crushers (barbell or dumbbell)
20sec. Rest
40sec. of a Plank Hold on your hands
20sec. Rest
***if you are working with a single DB or KB change the reps to 21 EACH ARM, 15 EACH ARM, 9 EACH ARM for the weighed work. |
Mobility cool down.
This has the word relaxing in the title!