Happy Sunday

16 minute amrap
10 light thrusters or wall wall balls if you have one
10 cleans or wall ball clean
30 double unders or jumping back

If you have 1 dumbbell just do 5 dumbbell thrusters each arm, and 5 cleans from the floor each arm

Look for all the information about class structure and guidelines coming out this week. Looks like we are close now. We will now have more to offer with the new outside area! Stay healthy friends, we have a lot to look forward to.

Endurance option!
400×2 Rest 2 minutes between
1X800 Rest 3 minutes
400×2 Rest 2 Minutes
2×800 Rest 3 Minutes
**Last set of 800’s is correct at 2, first set is correct at 1

All those 5 were fun on Tuesday, lets do 4’s
Run 400m
44 Db snatches right hand
Run 400
44 Db snatches left hand
Run 400
44 sit ups
Run 400
you guessed it……………………
44 Burpees

*barbell snatches do 22 the first time and 22 the second time


Warm Up
2 Rounds
run 400
10 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups


Strict press with dumbell or barbell.
5 sets til failure.
Shooting for about 10 reps so base your weight off that
If you only have a single dumbell press with one arm til failure then switch to your other arm.. make it burn.

WOd 1
10 min AMRAP
10 alternating arm devils press
20 Sit ups

Rest 5 minutes

Wod 2 AMRAP 10
10 alternating arm devils press
20 sit ups


Barbell verison
10 Minute amrap
5 Burpees
5 clean and jerks 135/95
20 SIt ups

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Minute Amrap
5 burpees
5 Clean and jerks
20 Sit ups
Extra works

3 Rounds:
15 Single Leg Hip Bridges (each side)
10 Lateral Box Step Ups (each side)
10-15 (reverse grip pull up) or 15 bent over rows

Warm up-
4 Rounds
100 M run
10 Air squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups

10:00 min AMRAP
30 Step Back Lunge (right)
15 Hand Release Push Up
30 Step Back Lunge (left)
15 Hand Release Push Up
Rest 3 mins
10:00 min AMRAP
30 Step Forward Lunge (right)
15 Hand Release Push Up
30 Step Forward Lunge (left)
15 Hand Release Push Up
Extra work. Nice and easy
3 Rounds:
10-15 Db Bent Over Rows (each side)
15 Single Leg Calf Raises (each side)
1:00 Side Plank Hold (each side)

Warm up
3 Rounds of time
20 Butt kicks
20 high knees
10 Air squats (squat therapy reps, see video below)

Strenght- Back squats
Barbell 7 sets of 3-5 at heavier weight if you have
Dumbbell 5-7 sets of higher reps (8 to 10) with a 1 second hold at the bottom

Wod- Dumbbell Version
4 Rounds For time
6 single arm dumbbell thrusters right arm
10 Alternating single leg v ups or 15 Sit ups
6 single arm thruster left arm
10 alternating single leg v ups or 15 sits up

Wod Barbell version
4 rounds for time
6 thrusters 95/65
10 Alternating single leg v ups or 15 Sit ups
6 thrusters 95/62
10 alternating single leg v ups or 15 sits up

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