Be sure to download the zen planner ap! its how you will be reserving class times. approximately 10 spots inside, 6 spots outside. Class sizes will expand as restrictions are slowly lifted. outside space is there to stay, we will also be expanding that. Lots to look forward to.

10 minutes of movement for the warm up

30 min amrap
run 400
25 Push ups
50 Air squats
100 Jumping Jacks

Simple and effective!

If you haven’t yet please download the Zen Planner ap so you can register for classes when we re-open. Message me to get your password if you do not have it. ***Classes have not started yet! We are just getting people used to using the ap!

Warm up today
3 Rounds
run 200
6 No push ups burpee
7 Squats
8 pass throughs

Work your push press with a single dumbbell, double dumbbell or or barbell. Dip drive. Get 5 good working sets in. Depending on the equipment you have that might be 5 to 12 each arm with a dumbbell , just before failure.
With a barbell or dumbbell same reps counts and same sets recommended

5 Rounds for time
Run 400m
8 Thrusters with a barbell or with 1 dumbbell 10 single arms thrusters, 5 each side
20 Doubles or 20 jumping jacks
20 sit ups


Warm up-
3 Rounds
20 jumping jacks
15 squats
10 push ups

Repeat this 3 times. fight gone bad style
1 Minutes at each exercise
Minute 1- air squats
Minute 2- Push ups
Minute 3- High pulls with dumbbell or barbell
Mintues 4- v ups or sit ups
Minute- 5 Lunges

****rest minute 6 then start all over.

Warm up today.. go move for 10 mintues! Run, walk, skip, cartwheel (video the cart wheels please) and airquats

Going to try to get some longer conditioning pieces in the next week. When we do open we want you to be ready. Your max lifts will be down a little, not as much as you think, but you’re conditioning should be the same, if not better, than before we closed.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 min AMRAP
50 alternating backwards lunges
50 Burpee
50 DB Hang snatches or empty bay hang snatches.. maybe 10 pounds plate. this supposed to be conditioning
50 Sit Up

Rest 5 minutes then at an easy pace

3 rounds:
Hold bottom of squat for 20 seconds
10 Birddogs (each side)
15 Single Leg Calf Raises (each side)

Happy Monday Everyone!

We will be reaching out to everyone this week with the new guidelines for the gym reopening.

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 v-ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

Back, front or goblet squats.
If you have a barbell use it, weight will depend on what you have at home lighter weights = higher reps
Going for 5 sets. Lighter weight work in the 10-12 rep range
Heavier weight work in the 5-7 rep range

If you have dumbbells or kettlebells same principles apply EXCEPT hold for 2 seconds at the bottom of your squat

16 Minute Amrap
Run 200 M
10 Push ups
20 Air squats
10 Dumbbell or Db clean an jerks 135/95

If you have a single dumbbell do 5 hang clean and jerks each arm.

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