Warm up
3 rounds
4 pull ups
8 push ups
16 squats

Front squats
One more week to ease back into squats
4 sets of 8, try to use the weight you used for you 5x5s last week


13 Minute Amrap
10 Cals row or 10 cal bike, both are rx just make notes in the leaderboard
8 push press 115/75
10 Cals
8 pull ups

Pick a weight you can do unbroken on the push press for at least the first few rounds.

Let get outside today. It looks like its going start raining and not stop for 5 days.

Warm up-
3 rounds
20 lunges
10 no push up burpees
Grab a dumbbell for a little EMOM
12 Minutes
Minute 1- 14 Alternating Curls
Minutes 2- russian twist with DB
Minute 2- 14 Tri Extensions over head
Mintue 4- Hold plank 40 seconds

5 rounds for time of:
Farmers Carry, 50/35 lbs, 200 m (can be double KB or DB or one of each)
10 single Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans and jerk, 50/35 lbs (5 each arm)
20 single alternating db snatches . yes from the ground

Weekly reminder to keep that distance in the gym. Socialize all you want just talk louder and be better listeners so you can stay farther apart from each other. Biking or rowing cool downs please move the bikes or rowers outside. they are too close together as they sit now. We will gladly put them back for you

Warm up
3 rounds
200 m run
10 steps of sampson stretch
15 air squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom

15 Minutes to build up to a moderately heavy set up 5 deadlifts. Not looking for a 5 rep max, just looking to get warm for the workout

3 rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts, 275/185 lbs Scaling 225/155 or 135/95
50 Double Unders (150 single sub)
10 Burpees over your bar

**Wonder if you should use the RX weight. Ask yourself can i go all three rounds without breaking up the 10 reps. The question shouldnt be “can i do 10 reps unbroken” it should be “can i do 10 reps unbroken if i wanted to or should use some strategy and split it into 2 sets of 5”

Sunday Funday
Gym will open at 8:30 for open gym then a class at 10am.
Please follow social distancing guidelines during all sessions at the gym. Outside area open for fitness as well.

Going with Kettlebell workouts today and bodyweight movements

Wod 1
8 Minutes amrap
15 Kb swings
15 Push ups

Wod 2
16 Minutes
800M run buy in
Then with remaining time Amrap of
8 Kb thrusters right arm
16 air squats
8 kb thrusters left arm
16 air squats

Take the rest of class to stretch or go walk/run slowly. It’s been a rough week of workouts!

You can use the outside area for open gym from 8-11
Register for other classes

8 am endurance
1 mile time trial

9am Open gym inside. Don’t run over into the 10am, go outside if you want to keep working

10am Rx is 95/65
Wod 1
7 Minutes
7 Barbell Thrusters
7 Pull ups

Wod 2
7 Minutes
7 snatches
7 Toes to bar

Wod 3
7 minutes
7 Clean and jerks
7 Burpees

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