8am- You did a 2 mile time trial two weeks ago. lets test your mile time. Is should be LESS than half of your 2 mile time. Lets get some people out here to push each other. Warm up properly! DONT AVOID THE RUN.

9am and 10am

3 rounds for time of:
20 Toes-to-bars
7 power cleans

Rest 5 minutes

3 rounds for time of:
21 Bar Facing Burpees
7 Hang Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs

Rest 5 Minutes

3 rounds for time

20 front rack lunges 135/95
7 Ring muscle ups, bar muscle ups or 10 Pull ups

Warm up
Barbell Warm up
2 Rounds
Minute 1- 10 clean grip high pulls
Minute 2- 5 Power positon power cleans+ 5 hang position power cleans
Minute 3- 7 Power Cleans from the shin
Minute 4- 7 Squat cleans starting from the power position

Strength- 5 Minutes to warm up with some weights then 20 Minutes to establish a 1 rep max squat clean

4 Rounds For time
5 Ring muscle ups (sub bar muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or 10 ring rows
6 Clean and jerk 185/135
400m Run

Lets Deadlift, it’s good for you!

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 Good Mornings
10 Empty Bar deadlifts
Run 200

Strength 14 Minutes
every other minute on the minute perform 5 heavy deadlifts
Not looking for a 5 rep max as recovery time is cut a little short but 70 to 80 percent range should be doable. Its 35 reps total

Plenty of time to clean up equipment and get read for the wod. Try to pick a weight for the wod you can do unbroken

Workout of the day
Wall Balls 30/20
and Kb swings 70/53

Warm up
3 Rounds
7 Strict press
7 Push press
7 Split jerk
Run 200

5 sets of 2 Split jerk. Build up weight. Focus on technique

Wod- Nothing fancy, just work
16 Minutes Amrap
10 D-balls over the shoulder as heavy as you can find
20 lunges with your ball
Run 200 m with your ball

Just a wod today! a 3 part wod

Nice long warm up
4 Rounds
5 ring rows (ring rows for everyone
5 Push ups
10 squats
200m run

Take 10 minutes to get your bar ready and go through a couple rounds of each part of this workout at a slow controlled pace.

10 Minute emom (turns into an amrap if you don’t complete the work in the minute
5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 Squats

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Minutes emom
5 Toes to Bar
3 squat cleans 95/65

Rest 3 Minutes
3 Min amrap max thrusters 95/65

**Rx is if you do the the movements and the weights AND finish both the EMOMs without skipping a round.

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