Dumbbell Sunday

Wod 1
8 Minutes
Single DB snatch and wall ball ladder.
1,1, 2,2,3,3 and on and on and on….
Now is the time to really concentrate on a big pull on your DB snatches and dropping under it a little bit. You want that dumbbell to fly up from your pull. Drive with you legs, finish with arm. the harder the pull the less press you will have to use. You don’t want to be pressing a dumbbell out too much and then going straight into wall balls which is another press.

Wod 2- 10 minutes
100m Overhead DB carry. switch arms at 50m
25 Doubles or 50 singles
10 Single DB hand clean and jerk
25 Doubles or 50 singles

Wod 3
8 Minute Amrap
15 DB squats, single DB
10 single arm devil press
10 single arm DB thrusters (finish 5 on each arm however you want)

Last week we ran! This week we get some machines out AND RUN!
Wod 1- 20 Minute amrap
Run 1 mile
with time remaining max calories on whatever machine you pick
Rest 5 Minutes
Wod 2- 20 minutes
Run 1 mile
with time remaining max calories on a DIFFERENT machine than you used for wod 1.

9am and 10am
Wod 1
Thrusters 95/65

Rest 5
Wod 2
5 Rounds for time
7 Power cleans 115/75
7 Chest to bar pull ups

Rest 5

Wod 3
3 Rounds for time
25 Burpees
Hold plank for 1 minute

Following the pattern of finishing the 2018 crossfit open. if you have never done a “crossfit open” and you have been here the past 4 weeks, you basically just finished one. Every year, usually in February, Crossfit headquarters puts out 5 workouts over 5 weeks. You submit your scores weekly online and a coach from the gym will verify it. Its an awesome way to be part of something of bigger than a gym. 100’s of thousands of people tackle these open workouts, scaled and rx, weekly.

Warm up. the first 20 minutes of class will be spent going over and warming up for deadlifts and spending some time getting up side down for HSPU or whatever movement you are doing for the workout. This is only a 9 minutes workout. if you and your crossfit class friends want to count reps for each other like we do in the open you can do that. We will make plenty of room for hand stand push up.

21 deadlifts (weight 1)
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts (weight 1)
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts (weight 1)
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
Time cap: 9 minutes

Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men deadlift 225 lb. then 315 lb.
Women deadlift 155 lb. then 205 lb.
Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men deadlift 135 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,
then deadlift 185 lb. and bear crawl
Women deadlift 95 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,
then deadlift 135 lb. and bear crawl
Teenagers 14-15:
Boys deadlift 135 lb. then 185 lb.
Girls deadlift 95 lb. then 135 lb.
Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys deadlift 75 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,
then deadlift 95 lb. and bear crawl
Girls deadlift 55 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,
then deadlift 75 lb. and bear crawl
Masters 55+:
Men deadlift 185 lb. and push press 95 lb., then deadlift 255 lb.
and perform sets of 10 handstand push-ups in place of handstand walks
Women deadlift 125 lb. and push press 65 lb., then deadlift 165 lb.
and perform sets of 10 handstand push-ups in place of handstand walks
Scaled Masters 55+:
Men deadlift 115 lb. and perform hand-release knee push-ups,
then deadlift 155 lb. and bear crawl
Women deadlift 80 lb. and perform h

There is some heavy lifting with 18.4 coming up tomorrow, but today’s lifting is at a controlled pace. This strength session in NOT for time. Slow down, not every section of every workout is CrossFit is done for speed.

Empty bar coach led barbell warm up
-Front squat technique work
-Clean progressions

These strength sessions might not look like much on paper but when done properly they should be taking you some time. You need to warm up to your working weight. It should take you about 3 Minutes to recover between sets or it wasn’t heavy enough. If you are new, this is the time to get extra sets in and work on technique.

*After warming up to your working weight use the same heavy weight for all 4 sets of each movement
Power Clean 3-3-3-3,
Front Squat 2-2-2-2,
Squat Clean 1-1-1-1,

****weights will very for each. 70 percent plus of 1rm power clean on your power cleans, 80 plus percent on front squats, 90 plus percent on your squat clean.

Remove ego. Be smart. Be safe. Support each other. Have fun, and post your results

Accessory work

Low Ring Muscle-ups 1×15
1×10-15 reps Use as little legs as possible.

For quality:
40 L Pistols 40 R Pistols
(aka Single Leg Squats) 20-40 L/20-40 R

Snatch barbell warm up

Then EMOM for 10 Minutes
Even Minute 1 set of 3 position power snatch (1 from the floor, one from the knees, one from power pos.) 75/55
Odd minute- 7 thrusters 75/55

Wod- Courtesy of comptrain

“It’s Goin’ Down”
For Time:
Hang power snatch
After each set, 30 Double-UndersBarbell weight changes each round:
21’s – 75/55
18’s – 95/65
15’s – 115/85
12’s – 135/95

**you have two choice for weights on this. you can increase. be smart. if your 1 rep max is 150/100 you are missing the purpose of the workout if you try to go rx. Should be able to do the last weight as fast singles, maybe even a couple touch and go’s. A fast single is a 5 second break maybe 10 if you are gassed, not a minute.

** second option is keep one weight on the bar, probably the first weight, the whole time.
Whatever you decide you need to keep your intensity up.

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