Warm up-
Squat clean emom technique work 2 round
Min 1- 10 Power pos. power clean
Min 2- 5 Hang power clean followed by 5 front squat
Min 3- 5 full squat cleans, pause at the knee

Strength 16 Minute EOMOM (8 rounds)
Every other minutes do 2 rounds of
1- Power position squat clean
1- Hang position squat clean
1- squat clean

16 Minutes Amrap
10 Power cleans 185/135
200 M run
5 Push Jerks 185/15
200 M Run

Weight vest Wednesday
This is a Hero Wod for an officer overseas.

This Hero WOD is for PC Keith Palmer of the Met Police who was murdered confronting a terrorist at the Palace of Westminster on the 22nd March 2017. … This WOD was created by the team at Met Police Crossfit to honor his bravery and sacrifice, for which he was awarded the George Medal.

“Palmer ”
For Time
800 meter Run
Then, 5 Rounds of:
10 Pull-Ups
20 Burpees
30 Air Squats
800 meter Run

2 Hero Wods this week
Warm up-
Sntach emom technique work 2 round
Min 1- 10 Power pos. power snatch
Min 2- 5 Hang power snatch followed by 5 OHS
Min 3- 5 Full snatches- Pause at the knee

Strength 16 Minute EOMOM (8 rounds)
Every other minutes do 2 rounds of
1- Power position full snatch
1- Hang position full snatch
1- full snatch

Wod “Randy”
75 Power Snatches for time 75/55

Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.

Warm up-
3 Rounds-
20 Lunges
10 air squats with a hold at the bottom
1 Minute Front Rack Mobility Work with a bar

Front squats- no pauses, no tempo, just 5 sets of 5 quality front squat.
Get warmed up to your working weight of 70 percent plus then hit the same weight for all 5 sets. Don’t know your 70 percent? Pick a weight that will be challenging for 5. Something you know you could NOT do 10 of. Something you could maybe do 7 or 8 of if you had to. Take 3 minute breaks between sets

Wall Balls
25 doubles or 50 singles after every round including the 3
27 wall balls
27 burpees
25 Doubles
21 wall balls
21 Burpees
25 doubles
and so on…..

1 271 272 273 274 275 540