Teams of 2
Have all your equipment in your area so you can transition fast. This is basically a partner fight gone bad style workout. each person can have their own dumbbell. score is total reps

3 Rounds
2 Minutes max reps of single arm push press
2 minutes max reps toes to bar or sits up
2 minutes max reps single arm thrusters
2 minutes max reps burpees
2 Minutes rest

This is going to be rough. hardly any break. Only one partner working at at time. keep track of your reps and write them during the break. On the single arm work try to keep even reps between both arms. don’t use one arm the entire time and not the other.

8am Endurance
1 Mile time trial….
**If you did this last week we will have your start times posted on the whiteboard. longest mile time from last week will go first at 0:00, everyone else will be staggered after that according to their mile time. It’s a great way to PR, everyone is basically getting chased by someone and/or chasing someone else AND we will all finish around the same time.
*if you didnt do this last week go off what you think your mile time is and we will fill your start time on the board.
— Recover and run for 30 minutes at slow sustained pace. Will explain that pace before class. One pathway we don’t train enough is slow steady state cardio. today is the day to spend time on your feet. for 30 minutes, running at a pace where you can talk.

9am and 10am
3 rounds for time of:
15 Power snatches 95/65
Handstand Walk, 30 ft (sub 1 minutes hold, or 10 heavy DB push press)

Rest 5 Minutes
3 rounds for time of:
15 Toes-to-bars
30 Double Unders
5 Bar Muscle-ups (10 pull ups)
30 Double Unders

Rest 5 Minutes

3 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
20 Back rack lunges

Warm up
Barbell warm up for Clean and Jerk

Ok, we work on cleans a lot. we worked on split jerks Monday. Let’s put them together and get some nice heavy clean looking lifts today.
20 minutes to work on a heavy power clean or squat clean and jerk. Build up and get 4 or 5 fairly heavy lifts in. not going for maxes today unless you are feeling really good. go as heavy as you can go without missing or compromising form/technique

8 Minutes Amrap
30 double unders
8 R-arm DB Snatch 70/50
30 double unders
8 L-arm DB Snatch 70/50

Rest 4 Minutes

8 Minute Amrap
6 Weighted box step ups 70/50
8 Right arm DB thrusters 70/50
6 Weighted box Step Ups
8 Left arm DB thrusters

Warm up
3 Rounds
6 empty bar tempo back squats 3 up 3 down
6 steps sampson stretch
6 Pull ups

Here we go again…..
find a new 5 rep max back squat. as this will be getting heavier we are going to allow a little more time for this. attack it. couple bigger sets of light weight then a few sets of 2 or 3 building up to your new 5 rep max.
Will you hit a new 5 rep for the third time in 3 weeks? We believe you can!

10 Minutes *score is farmer carries, every 100m is a point
40 deadlifts 225/155
15 Burpee muscle ups or burpee pull ups
Max 100m intervals farmer carries 70/53
*sub 20 burpee pull ups for Muscle ups
*scale the muscle ups to pull ups. scale the deadlift weight to something you can do AT LEAST sets of 10 on. looking for 2 minutes or less total work time on the deadlifts, then 2-4 minutes on the muscle ups or pull ups, leaving you around 5 Minutes of farmer carries… which is a lot of time to farmer carry.

5 Rounds
10 Weighted sit ups
100m single arm overhead carry (50m right hand 50m left hand)
1 minutes plank

Going to hit some longer Cardio today, vested option available
Finding another 5 rep max backsquat tomorrow.. can you do it?
Jerry would be a good choice for a workout if you want to save a little gas for the squats.

Warm up
3 Rounds
5 push ups
10 pull ups
15 squats

Option 1
Jerry“For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile

Weighted Vest Wod
800m Run buy in
Then 4 Rounds
8 pull ups
16 Burpees
24 Squats
800m Run cash out

Use remaining time in class to roll out or work on those weaknesses

1 265 266 267 268 269 540