Warm up
200M run
5 Push press
5 push jerk
5 Hang snatches
5 Overhead squats

Build up to a heavy push press, around 80 percent of your max. If you don’t know your max build up to max so we can use the number in the future
8 sets 1 heavy push press

AMRAP 16 Minutes
8 Power Snatch 75/55lbs*
6 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55lbs*
4 Overhead Squats 75/55lbs*
*every time you have to drop the bar run 400M
Scaling: – If you are severely limited by mobility to the point where this workout is ineffective or dangerous, consider modifying to power snatches and front squats, or the “clean” variant of all three movements.
*target of 3 to 6 rounds, which doesn’t seem like a lot but we are back squatting tomorrow so you will want something left in your legs!

every 3 minutes for 12 Minutes row 30/25 cals

Wod 1- 8 Minutes Amrap- 1 Partner Working at a time
30 Air Squats
20 Burpees

Wod 2- 10 Minute Amrap
20 power cleans 135/95
20 lunges with slam ball overhead

Wod 3
15 Minutes Amrap
20 Cal Row
20 thrusters 95/65 or 50/35 with double dbs
200 M Farmer Carry (both walk on the farmer carry, one partner holds both dumbbells but you can switch as needed.

Scary workouts today
8am endurance, give the running volume a little break today
Teams of 2
Complete in order (choose wisely) the following. Split however you want. Only one partner works at a time. one movement must be complete before moving to the next

6x800M of running
4000M row
100 Cal bike or ski
80 Burpees

9am and 10am
3 rounds for time of:
9 Deadlifts, 275/185 lbs
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Shuttle Run, 200 m (4x 50 m)

Rest 5 Minutes
2 rounds for time of:
75 Air Squats
15 Push Jerks, 135/95 lbs

rest 5
21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Bike Calorie
Row Calorie

Back squat warm up
5 sets of 5 at 90 percent of Mondays Weight
We will be getting into weights now where you might not get 5 by 5 at 90, build up to your weight and make an attempt. If it ends up being one or 2 reps, drop back and hit 5 by 5 at 80 or 85 percent

AMRAP 8 Minutes
8 Power Snatch 75/55lbs
8 Pull Ups

Target score is 6 rounds or more. Pick a weight you can cycle through all the power snatches on almost every round

Extra- theres rings outside if we are out of time inside
Every 4:00 for 4 Rounds
1 Set of Muscle Ups* *Goal is picking a repeatable set
Practice your false grip pull and turnover + dip on the low rings for 10 minutes.

Straight through-

1 minutes hollow hold-
1 minute super man
200m run
10 Empty Bar Front Squats
10 Empty Bar Hang Power Cleans
10 Empty Bar Hang Squat Cleans

Strength-Based off your 1 rep max power clean. Build up quickly to your 70 percent
Power Clean from the floor
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 85%

Every 3:00 Until Failure
200m Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead* 135/95lbs Rest the remainder of the interval.
*Each round, add 3 shoulder to overheads until failure. If you complete the round of 24, stop.

Scaling is important on this. Try a practice run and a few shoulder to overheads to try and find your weight
*Target Score: Finish the round of 18 Shoulder to Overhead and get into the round of 21. CHECK OUT THE BARBELL CYCLING VIDEO BELOW

Extra work outside, grab a bike or rower if you want
AMRAP 16 Minutes
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20” 30/25 Calorie
Rest 1:00
10 Box Jump Overs 20/16 Calories
Rest 1:00
8 Box Jump Overs 10/7 Calories
Rest 1:00

1 262 263 264 265 266 540