5 Inch Worms + 2 Push Ups|
AMRAP 5:00
8/6 Cal Bike
3-5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Air Squats

No strength, warm up to your snatch weight

“Alice in Pains”
*you can start working on your next round if you finish your 2 rounds in the 3 minutes. You don’t have to wait til the clock hits 3 to go

Every 3:00 for as long as possible complete:
from 0:00-3:00
2 rounds:
10 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
2 Muscle Ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds:
12 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
4 Muscle Ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds:
14 Power Snatch 95/65lbs
6 Muscle Ups

Continue to add 2 Power Snatches and 2 Muscle Ups every 3 minutes until failure. *If you complete the work within a time window, continue to the next set of work.

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: Get into the 3rd working window

Firebreather Score: Get into the 5th working window


  • Power Snatch: Barbell should allow athletes to perform their reps touch and go. Scale barbell weight to allow athletes to perform touch and go reps.
  • Muscle Up: May be performed multiple sets (1-3 sets), or otherwise scaled to most difficult pulling gymnastics movement that is accessible to the athlete. If performing pull ups, consider performing 2x reps to prevent the workout from becoming a barbell workout. Even burpees will be a great sub for the gymnastics if you’re concerned about an athlete not getting a good workout

Coach Focus: if athletes over-estimate their ability or coaches improperly scale athletes, they will not get a good workout. We are looking for an increasing number of reps on both movements with a lighter barbell and a metabolically demanding bodyweight movement (muscle up). A couple things you can do to guarantee athletes get the right workout is to eliminate the working windows and instead perform this piece as a 15 minute AMRAP (still increasing reps every 2 rounds) or by changing the muscle up to a simple machine or bodyweight movement like 2x row or ski calories (burpees work too, but we did them yesterday and have them coming up on Friday). This is not a test/re-test, so prioritize getting athletes a good workout, otherwise some may be disappointed if their workout ends too quickly

Competitor extra- OUTSIDE

Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes
40 Double Unders
Both movements in the same interval.

*Machine Options

– Row/Ski: 250m

– Run outside: 200m

Lat Smash 1:30
20 Band Pull Aparts
10 Burpees over Bar
10 Empty Bar Alternating Forward Foot Split Jerks with a Pause in the receiving position
10 Burpees over Bar
20 Band Pull Aparts

Strength-10 Minute Emom
1 Jerk dip
1 Split jerk (light weight)

Every 2 Minutes Until Failure
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
1 Split Jerk @ 65%*
*Add 10lbs each round until failure. Beyond 80%, women add 5-10lbs per round. Athletes get 1 “mulligan”. If you fail to complete a round, rest the entire next round and then restart in the following round. If you fail a second time, you are done.


  • BBJO: Should not exceed 1 minute in any round, keep athletes who can jump, jumping, even if it means a shorter box. For athletes who cannot jump, Bike/Row for 12/10 calories each round at a challenging, but sustainable pace. Preserve the metabolic stimulus.
  • Split Jerk: If an athlete does not know their 1RM, start with a light-to-moderate weight in round 1 and build from there.

Coach Focus: We are testing the split jerk under a moderate level of fatigue. While we want athletes to be fatigued, we need to be careful with the “dose” we give to athletes so they have the opportunity to go heavy with the split jerk. BBJO do not need to be an all out pace.

Competitor Extra
Deadlifts 225/275/315
Burpees over bar

Couch Stretch 2:00/ Side
3 Rounds
8 Calorie Row
8 KB Taters
2:00 4-Way Glute Activation Steps + 5 Air Squats

We have spent the last 6 grueling weeks refining and developing the Back Squat with today in mind. Coaches should remind athletes to be very deliberate with their warm up sets, because too few or too many can be deleterious to their performance today. Crank the tunes, create the vibe and let’s see those PRs tagged on instagram @trainhardercrossfit and @teammisfitgyms

Then if time remains.

find a 5 rep max bench press

Wod 1- 10 Minutes Amrap- 1 Partner Working at a time
30 Air Squats
20 Burpees

Wod 2- 10 Minute Amrap
20 Slam balls over the shoulder
20 lunges with your slam ball overhead

Wod 3
15 Minutes Amrap
20 Cal Row
20 DB thrusters
200 M Farmer Carry (both walk on the farmer carry, one partner holds both dumbbells but you can switch as needed.

8am endurance
Teams of 2 for meters. you will be non stop working. 13 minutes at each machine
13 min bike (each mile on the bike is 1600 meters)
13 Ski
13 row
While one person is on the machine the other runs 400m. keep track of your runs. total score is meters including meters ran.

9 am partner workout

For Time
Split how you want
30 Wallballs 20/14lbs
30 Calorie Row
50 Wallballs 20/14lbs
50 Calorie Row
70 Wallballs 20/14lbs
70 Calorie Row
90 wall balls
90 Cals

1 161 162 163 164 165 533