Alternate movements with partner switching when rowing partner is finished:
4 Rounds (2 each)
250m Row
*20 Banded Good Mornings/20 Russian Kettlebell Swings/20 Hollow Rocks *(Round 1/Round 2/Round 3)

Amrap 36 Minutes- switching with a partner
Alternating 500m row or ski
Simple and effective. How many rounds of 500 can you do in 36 minutes.
You can count roll over meters while you are switching. so no matter what the screen says when you get on switch when the screen hits 500, 1000, 1500, 2000… etc.

Sunday Funday- teams of 2

Wod 1
10 Minute Amrap
20 Wall balls
20 Single arm DB snatches

Wod 2
10 Minutes Amrap
60 Doubles or singles
10 Bar Muscle ups
10 minutes
120 Singles
16 Pull ups
Or mix and match

Wod 3
8 Minutes
20 single arm db hang clean and jerk (complete 5 on one arm before switching
20 toes to bar

Endurance- Time to start running again.
Teams of 2-
row, bike and ski
Doesn’t matter which machine you start on
10 minutes on each machine- score is total meters including runs
One partner is on the machine
One partner is running a 200. switch when they get back,
*there are 1600m in a mile when you want to figure your bike meters out.

Warm up. yup we are warming up for a saturday workout
Once Through:
1:00 Machine
10 Ring Rows
20 Air Squats
:30 Handstand Hold
1:00 Machine
10 Kip Swings
20 Goblet Squats
:30 Handstand Negatives
1:00 Machine
10 Pull Ups
20 Goblet Squats
1 Set Perfect HSPU (8 rep max)


For Time

50/40 Calorie C2 Machine

40 Pull Ups

30 Sandbag Squats 150/100lbs

20 Deficit HSPU 4″/2″

Rest 2:00

25/20 Calorie C2 Machine

20 Pull Ups

15 Sandbag Squats 150/100lbs 10 Deficit HSPU 4″/2″

Regular classes at 5am, 6am, 9am and 10am
Then come out for the last friday night light of the open season. Bring food and drinks if you want.
Wod can be found at games.crossfit.com

3:00 Machine of choice
Alt. EMOM 6 Minutes
1- 10 Empty bar clean and press
2- 15 Wall Balls Unbroken
3- 50 Double Unders or :30 Practice

EMOM 10 Minutes
1 Power Clean + Split Jerk 70-80%

For Time
6 Rounds
15 Wall Balls 20/14lbs
30 Double Unders


  • Wallball: Should always be 1 set. Scale weight, not reps.
  • Double Unders: Should not exceed :30 in any round. Scale to 1:1 single unders if double unders are inconsistent.
1 156 157 158 159 160 533