Couch Stretch 2:00/Side Handstand Hold 1:00
2 rounds
20 Unbroken WallBalls with a Lighter than metcon weight medball
15 KB Swings

Deadlift- 10 sets of 2
10×2 @ 50-60% 1RM for speed
Rest 1:00 between sets. This is more like a wod
Stimulus: Speed Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: Today’s Deadlift session is a primer for next week’s opportunity to turn your athlete’s 1RM into a 3RM Deadlift. Coaches should not allow athletes to perform slow/lazy pulls. Instruct your athletes to pretend that they are trying to pull their old 1RM (effort-wise) with today’s session so the barbell leaves the ground with speed. Lighter and faster is better than heavier and slower.  Note that we are looking for the concentric portion of each individual rep to be fast, not the fastest set of 2 possible.

For Time 5 Rounds
2 Wall Walks
6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 70/50lbs
50 Wallballs 20/14lbs
5 Rounds
6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 70/50lbs 2 Wall Walks

Feel: Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 12-16 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-10 Minutes
–  Wall Walks: Use the Open Standard and scale athletes accordingly
–  DB Snatch: Each set should not exceed :25 second to complete. Scale weight, not reps, but
ensure the DB stays heavy to retain the stimulus of “gas”
–  Wallballs: Should not exceed 4 sets, or 4 total minutes. Scale weight, not reps.
Coach Focus: The first couplet should not exceed 5 minutes to complete. The wallballs should be done in 1-4 sets. Coaches should be pushing their athletes to reach for a big set their is only 1 set of wallballs. The second couplet should not exceed much more than 5 minutes either, but will slow slightly due to fatigue. Coaches must be careful to not over-scale the DB weight so that the workout does not turn into a wall walk workout.
Additional Notes/Resources: Wall Ball Tips: Throw a Knuckleball!

Extra- These are pieces are meant to be done if you 90 minutes or more to workout and to be done AFTER the Wod as an accessory piece not a substitution. The workout is the base, this is extra. Don’t major in the minor details. The hour we do is more than enough work for everyone.

3 Rounds (to be done outside, dont get in the way of class)
20 Pull Ups
20 DB Box Step Overs 50s/35s to 24″/20″
Rest 2:00

AMRAP 6 Minutes
100’ Shuttle Run (25’x4)
10 Air Squats
5 Burpees

Strength N/A- this is a long wod.
3 Rounds (yes all of this 3 times through)
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15 Air Squats
10 Burpees
Max Calorie machine Rest 2:00
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15/12 Cals on machine you used before
10 Air Squats
Max Burpees Rest 2:00
AMRAP 2 Minutes
15 Burpees
10/7 Calorie Air Bike
Max Air Squats
Rest 2:00

Stimulus: N/A Rest: N/A
Coach Focus: N/A
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A
Feel: Gas/Cardio Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 180+ Reps (Calorie + Burpee + Squats) Firebreather Score: 250+ Reps (Calorie + Burpee + Squats)
–  Air Squat: Squat to a box/bench
–  Burpee: Reduce reps to ensure the set of 10 does not exceed :45 seconds and so
the set of 15 does not exceed :60 Seconds

Coach Focus: One round consists of three, 2-minute AMRAPs with their 2:00 rest periods, making this a longer total clock for class at 34 minutes. The movements will not take long to warm up, so a quick general warmup should be sufficient then start the workout.
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A

Weight vest work is running after the wod today

-Then- 500/450m Row
20 Box Step Overs
10 Power Position Power Cleans 400/350m Row
14 Box Jump Overs
8 Hang Power Cleans 300/250m Row

On a 14 Minute clock practice:
1 Power Position Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean at Knee
1 Power Clean
*drop and reset after every rep

For Time
100m Sandbag Run 150/100lbs
30 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
20 Toe to Bar
30 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
100m Sandbag Run 150/100lbs

Feel: Gas Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 6-9 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-5 Minutes

–  Sandbag Run: If sandbags are unavailable a heavy farmers carry or a .5/.4K Air Bike are acceptable.
–  Box Jump Over: Scale height of box before reducing reps. Should not exceed 1:30 to complete on
either side of the toes to bar
–  Toes to Bar: Should not exceed 4 sets or roughly :60, ideally 1-2 sets.

Coach Focus: Each of these movements are very gassy alone, but when mixed together create an excellent “gas” stimulus. All athletes should have a version that allow them to complete the workout in less than 9-minutes. Sandbag may be carried any way the athletes would like. If sandbag logistics are an issue, a 1-minute stagger should allow for multiple athletes to share 1 sandbag or heavy farmer carries work

Weight vest work
For Time 12 Rounds
200m Run Rest 1:30

Coach Focus: The goal of today’s extra piece is to build running capacity at an athletes PR Mile Pace. Each round it should be difficult to maintain the pace, but not impossible. For athletes who do not know their mile PR pace, instruct them to run hard, but not so hard they cannot repeat their effort.

4-way Banded Glute Activation, 20 steps per direction, 5
squats after each direction
1:00 Hip Openers
-ThenAMRAP 5 Minutes
2k Bike/1k Row/800m Run
Empty Bar Back Squats in time remaining

Every Minute for 10 Minutes
1 Tempo Pause Back Squat @ 60%+ 1RM
Athletes perform a 3 count tempo, then a full 1-count pause in bottom of squat, then stand fast

AMRAP 15 Minutes
Teams of 5
100m Empty Sled Sprint

Feel: Muscle Overload/Gas Pacing: Send
Target Score: Each athlete performs 6 sled sprint (each sled sprint ~:30) Firebreather Score: Each athlete performs 7 sled sprints (each sled sprint ~:25

Extra work
10 mintue amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Bring a vest if you want

10 Spiderman Lunges w/3 second pause
10 Aframe Toe Touches w/1 second pause
-Then15 WallBalls
3 Wall Walks
15 WallBalls
2 Wall Walks
15 Wallballs
1 Wall Walk

AMrap 9 minutes
Max 15′ HS Walk Shuttles
Rest 2:00
Resting Longer than :15 constitutes a Rest.
5-10′ Shuttles
EMOM 1-5 Wall Walks
For Athlete with Inconsistent HS Walking:
EMOM 9 Minutes
:30 Max HS Walk
:30 Rest

12 Rounds
12 Walking Lunges
8 Push Ups
6 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55lbs

Extra work, stay out of the way of class please if you are doing this

Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatch
Drop and Reset
Start near 50% of 1RM and only increase weight if

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