3 rounds
10 Empty Bar Thrusters 10 Bar Facing Burpees
3 times through starting with an empy bar and adding weight each round
1×3 Power Position Squat Clean, Jerk last rep
1×3  Hang Squat Clean + Jerk last rep
1×3 Tempo pull squat clean + jerk last rep

New Cycle is here. Squat clean and split jerk is the focus lift

Lifting Test
Find a 1RM Squat Clean and Split Jerk

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As Needed
Coach Focus: Ahead of building to a 1RM Squat Clean and Jerk athletes should be very well warmed up and prepped through positional work before adding weight to their barbell. Coaches should plan on 10-15 minute warm up ahead of loading barbells to ensure athletes are best prepared to lift heavy. By design, the skill work that follows is only 10 minutes so coaches should allow athletes ~20 to build to a heavy clean and jerk.
Additional Notes/Resources: Split Jerk Tips – Bent Back Leg in the Catch

The lift should take a majority of the time
Pick 1 of the following skills and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.
– 5-30′ HS Walk
– :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
– 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
– 1-2 Rope Climbs
– 5-40 Double Unders
– :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)

Wod Wars Past Event 1- this is a warm up for murph prep.
If you have been missing murph prep scale the second part of this way way way back

Event 1:

Teams of 3
For Time: 10 Min Cap
400M Med Ball Run (Team)

1 Athlete works at a time:
60 Single Arm Alternating DB Hang Snatch
60 Wall Ball Shots
60 Toes to bar

400M Med Ball Run (Team)

Scaling Key:

RX: Medicine Ball 30/20, DB Hang Snatch 70/50

Masters 35/45 & Intermediate: Medicine Ball 20/14, DB Hang Snatch 50/35
Novice: Medicine Ball 20/14, DB Hang Snatch 35/25, Ring Hanging Knee Raises

Wod 2- Week 3 of Murph Prep

For Time- skip the last section of this if you havent been practicing

Run 800m,
then 4 Rounds of:
10 Pull ups
20 Push Ups
30 Squats Then,
Run 800m,
then 3 Rounds of:
10 Pull ups
20 Push Ups
30 Squats Then,
Run 800m
If you plan to perform Murph with a vest, wear one.
Post workout: foam roll quads, glutes, and lats.

There are no early morning wods today. Grand Opening starts at 10am and goes until 1. Come out and have fun.

Today is your lucky day, Friday the 13th and the Aprils Drool Day Retest
3:00 Machine of Choice
-Then- AMRAP 3:00
20 Lateral Line Hops 10 Walking Lunges
5 Box Jump Overs

Retest April Drools Day last done April 8th
5 Rounds
21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower (or a bar if you are using ski erg or running)
21 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Row ski or run 600/500
32 minute cap

4 Rounds
21 Burpees
21 Box Jump Overs 20/16″
Row 500/400m
32 minute cap

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 24-30 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-22 Minutes
–  Burpees: Should not exceed 2 minutes in any round, but should only be scaled for highly de-conditioned
–  BJO: Should not exceed 2 minutes to complete in any round, or box height and/or reps should be
reduced. Use Open standard requiring a step-down. Reduce box height before reps.

Coach Focus: 32 minute cap on the workout (although most should finish in under 30) means the warm up focus should be on getting blood-flow and getting right to work. Today’s cardio test will take most athletes between 24 and 30 minutes, with 30 minutes (6 minutes per round) being the longer end. This is intended to be a highly accessible workout where most athletes can do this as prescribed. Athletes will benefit from using any machine, however skiing should be reserved for athletes who are familiar with the machine and can maintain a steady pace, otherwise run or row. Athletes not using a rower should perform lateral burpees over a loaded barbell.
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A
Stimulus: Stamina Rest: As Prescribed Target Score: N/A
Firebreather Score: N/A Scaling:
–  Ring Dip: Banded Ring Dips, Ring Push Ups, or Ring Supports (:05-:20/round)
Coach Focus: Creating the stability and strength to perform a ring dip starts with practice. There is a large neurological component to a ring dip (mind-muscle connection) so most athletes should start by performing a ring support before “graduating” to the ring push up or banded ring dip. Stability must be there to avoid an unnecessary injury.
Additional Notes: N/A

Minutes 12/9 Calorie Air Bike
10 Empty Bar Hang Clean and Jerk
:30 Plank Hold

Every Minute for 15 Minutes
1 Tempo Pull Power Clean + Split Jerk
*guess what? our next focus lift is squat clean and jerk!

AMRAP 8 Minutes
8/6 Calorie Air Bike
8 SDLHP 75/55lbs

*we can run heats of this if there aren’t enough bikes or you can row or ski

Stimulus: Technique Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: The tempo pull power clean will curb your athlete’s ability to go heavy in today’s lifting session, which is by design as we are looking to work the skill of weightlifting. The lighter barbell is the most efficient way to create new motor patterns so athletes should be instructed to keep it light and focus on form. Athletes may share a barbell if appropriate but ensure that both remain light.

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 6+ rounds, ideally EMOM or Faster Firebreather Score: 12+ Rounds
–  Air Bike: Calories should not exceed :45 at any point, but most athletes should do
this as prescribed.
–  SDLHP: Must remain 1 unbroken set. Ensure athlete’s have a barbell weight they
will not break up and can remain moving fast with.

Coach Focus: To ensure the stimulus is met with today’s workout it is critical that athletes can maintain a cadence of EMOM or faster. “Sending it” from the start is not a great strategy with an 8 minute clock but athlete should be told to reach with their pacing without sacrificing their ability to stay moving later in this couplet.
This is a great day to demonstrate to your athlete that scaling is often a recipe for better intensity so do not allow your “RX or die” crowd to RX their way out of intensity.

20-25 Minutes of slow steady run or machine

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