Teams 4- waterfall style- 10 rounds per person
1 Mintues per machine
At completion 2 people on the team run 800 with a med ball while the other 2 members do alternating burpees.. when the running partners come back… switch spot and the burpee people go run and the running people do burpees

9am partner wod
3 Rounds Splitting Work w/Partner
200m Run Together
20 Wall Balls
20 Ring Rows
2:00 Banded Air Squats

With a Partner:
200m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs (split 100m each)
Split the work as desired:
30 Sandbag Cleans
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
60 Sandbag Squats
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 Sandbag Cleans
200m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs (split 100m each)
Sandbag can be carried anyhow
*sb cleans are over the shoulder

Stimulus: N/A Rest: N/A
Coach Focus: N/A
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A
Feel: Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 16-22 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-14 Minutes
–  Sandbag Carry: Athletes should be able to perform the 100m carry in 1 unbroken
carry. Sandbag can be carried anyhow. A heavy farmers carry is a suitable substitute
–  Sandbag Clean: Should allow for consistent reps. If sandbags are unavailable
barbell clean and jerks at 135/95lbs is a suitable substitute
–  Chest to Bar: Athletes should be able to trade sets of ~5 consistently or scale to
chin over bar pull ups
–  Sandbag Squats: Should allow for a minimum of set of 5 squat back and forth. If
sandbags are unavailable barbell front squats at 135/95lbs is a suitable substitute
Coach Focus: This longer partner workout should allow athletes to move consistently back and forth as they chip away through the prescribed work. Coaches should pair up by fitness level to reduce sandbag logistics and so that athletes can push one another for the entire workout.
Additional Notes/Resources: The Sandbag Clean is a Core to Extremity Movement!

2 Rounds
1:00 Air Bike
1:00 Walking Lunges 200m Run
10 A-frame Toe Touches

Conditioning Test
Every 4 Minutes for 28 Minutes (7 rounds)
Ski Bike or row 15/13 cals
Run 200m w/ 50/35lb DB, KB, plate, or sandbag
Rest remainder of each interval
*score is slowest interval
If the clock catches you, take 1 round off and count it as mulligan, but remember and avoid that for the retest

Bench Press
5×5 @ 70-80% 1RM

20 Band Pull Aparts (perform 10 palms down, 10 palms up)
3 Rounds
4 Tempo Ring Rows
4 Squat Box Jumps* 24/20″
*Perform an air squat, jump onto a box 6/4 Calorie Air Bike Sprint

Strength Every 4 Minutes for 12 Minutes (3 sets) 1 Max Rep Set of Push Presses
Round 1: 75% 1RM
Round 2: 70%
Round 3: 65%
Adjust weights to allow for 5-10 reps on round 1, and then slightly more on each subsequent set.

Score is total reps

AMRAP 4 Minutes
3 Bar Muscle Ups
8 DB Front Squats 50s/35s
Rest 1:00
AMRAP 3 Minutes
2 Bar Muscle Ups
6 DB Front Squats 50s/35s
Rest 1:00
AMRAP 2 Minutes
1 Bar Muscle Ups
4 DB Front Squats 50s/35s

Feel: Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 5-7 rounds per AMRAP
Firebreather Score: 8+ Rounds per AMRAP
–  Bar Muscle Up: Should always be 1 set or scaled to burpee pull ups (focusing on conditioning
vs. gymnastic skill)
–  DB Front Squats: Should be always be 1 set. Scale weight not reps.

Coach Focus: Coaches must ensure athletes can move back and forth between today’s two movements to ensure the gas stimulus is met. A slow back and forth will not create the stimulus we are after. The burpee pull up is the preferred scale for bar muscle ups because we are prioritizing metabolic conditioning vs. a gymnastic skill session. DB Squats are performed with 2 dumbbells in the front rack.
Additional Notes/Resources: Positioning in the Bar Muscle Up

2:00 Banded Overhead Contract/Relax
10 Burpees
8 Hang Muscle Snatch 10 Burpees
8 Power Position Power Snatch 10 Burpees
8 Hang Power Snatch

For 15 Minutes, Practice the following complex with perfect mechanics:
1 Power Position Power Snatch*
1 Hang Power Snatch, Above Knee
1 Hang Power Snatch, at knee
*After 3 sets, athletes may eliminate the Power Position portion of the complex ONLY if the coach deems that their proficiency has earned the right to do so. Mechanics > Intensity.
May be done as drop and reset or without dropping the bar, but do not allow grip fatigue to alter your movement patterns.

AMRAP 7 Minutes
50 kb Swings 53/35lbs
400 M run
30 Toes to Bar
Wod has 2 scores, here is part 2.. did you think i forgot about weight vest wednesday
Immediately after the wod, Throw on your vest if you have one and do
20 pull ups
800m run
20 pull ups- 2nd score is time and remember your time starts immediately after the amrap is over.

–  KB Swing: Should be 1-3 sets, scale KB weight before reps. If the overhead position isn’t possible
due to injury, scale to chest height swings
–  Cals: Should not exceed 3 minutes to complete, if you are newer stop at 3 no matter what the count is,
–  Toes to Bar: Athletes should be allowed to chip away by any means necessary, but avoid the
dreaded ball upside down version of toes to bar. For athletes without the ability to perform a full toes to bar, scale to kipping knee raises or knee raises
-part 2 scaling. no vest, ring rows, banded pull ups

10 Minutes
100m Run
25′ HS Walk
Run at a speed that allows for unbroken HS Walks.

Straight Through
Run 400m
10 Inch Worms
20 Plank transitions
10 Pause Ring Rows
Run 400m

Gymnastics Test
AMRAP 3 Minutes
Max Rep Strict Pull Ups
Max Push ups

Gymnastics test will not be re-tested until the END of the next 6 weeks so this is one of those days where if athletes CAN do strict pull ups and/or push ups, allow them to struggle through what may seem like a very small number of reps so they can see big progress. Athletes with zero reps of each should be scaled to the most difficult style of pull up/push up they can do.
Additional Notes/Resources: 2 Easy Ways to Scale Push Ups

12 Rounds
10 S-DB Lunge Walking Lunges 50/35lbs
8 DB Facing Burpees

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 8-14 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-8
–  Lunge: Perform unweighted before scaling to another movement. Scale to Step Ups or Air
Squats if lunges are inaccessible
–  Burpees: Avoid scaling reps unless athletes are very new or severely de-conditioned
Coach Focus: Metcon is straightforward. Only the most severely de-conditioned athletes should be scaled in burpee volume, otherwise today is a good day for a time cap (15 minutes) so that athletes who need the conditioning get it. Scale loading on lunges, or have athletes lunge unweighted. 10 step ups or air squats may be a good sub if an athlete cannot lunge.

AMRAP 15 Minutes, teams of 3-5: 50′ Sled Push HAF (Heavy as F%#k)
Team members push 50′ at a time. Sled should be extremly heavy, but never requiring more than 2 stops to complete 50′. Teams with fewer athletes may require additional rest – this is a strength session, not a metcon.

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