Barbell warm up with Coach

Big Day!
Find your 1 rep max squat clean and jerk!

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As needed
Coach Focus: It’s finally here. Crank up the tunes and give your athletes 30+ minutes to hit a new PR. Be sure to tag @trainhardercrossfit and @teammisfitgyms on insta with all heavy lifts!


Choose Your Skill Day
Pick 1 of the following skills and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.
– 5-30′ HS Walk
– :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
– 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
– 1-2 Rope Climbs
– 5-40 Double Unders
– :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)

15 Rounds
1:00 Bike for Distance Rest :30
THIS IS NOT A SPRINT PACE. Moderately quick but this IS NOT the 10 second spring wod we did and some of us lost our lunch on

Feel: Cardio Stimulus: Sustain

Coach Focus: The goal for today’s extra piece is to allow athletes the opportunity to improve their biking speed through bite-sized chunks that allow for deliberate focus. Coaches should instruct athletes that their goal is to remain consistent once they have established their pace.
Additional Notes: N/A

Teams of 2
Wod 1- 10 minutes
20 wall balls
20 burpees,
Split how you want

Rest 5

Wod 2 chipper 25 minutes cap
Chip away, if worm is taken when you get there do alternating sandbag cleans over the shoulder
800 m run buy in
100 Toes to bar
80 cal row or ski
60 Thrusters 115/75
40 devil press 50/35
20 worm or alt sand bag cleans
800 M run cash out

Little bit different endurance today
*bring a vest if you want
Workout 1- solo
20 Minute Amrap
400m run
10 burpees to 6″ target
20 lunges

Workout 2- Partner up no vest
15 Minutes
Partner 1 runs 400 while partner 2 goes for cals on any machine, switch when partner 1 gets back from the run.
*stay on the same machine the entire time please


The Workout of the Day for Saturday, June 18, is Eva Strong, a CrossFit Hero workout in honor of Eva Mireles.

Mireles, 44, died on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, while shielding her fourth-grade students from a gunman at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Mireles’ co-teacher, Irma Garcia, and 19 students were also killed in the shooting.

Mireles was in her 17th year of teaching in the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District and held certifications in special education and bilingual education.

In addition to regularly running before school, she also enjoyed hiking, and friends and relatives recall she could be found in her CrossFit gym almost every day after school. Earlier this year, she participated in the CrossFit Open for the ninth time.

Eva Strong

With a partner, 5 rounds for time of:

24 double-unders (each)

19 toes-to-bars (total)

2 clean and jerks (total)

400-m run (together)

♀ 135 lb ♂ 205 lb

6 Inch Worms
Run 200m,
8 Single DB Box Step Ups
25′ Walking Lunge
6  Single DB Box Step Ups
25′ Duck Walk
4 Single DB Box Step Ups
4 Wall Walks

Every :75 for 8 Sets (4 each), alternating:
– 14 Banded Strict Pull Ups
– 14 Push Ups
Pull Ups: Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may start with a lighter band and increase band thickness as needed.
Push Ups. Use a band if needed to allow perfect form and fast reps. Athletes who can confidently hit 4 sets of 15 fast reps may add a deficit.

Wod – 14 minutes hard cap
*let’s review a “hard cap”.. that means STOP at 14 minutes but more importantly it means you should be scaling to come in under 14 minutes. Looks at the clock when you hit round 3, if you are not half way you need to scale back weight on the step ups or the skill on toes to bar. Don’t be easy on yourself but don’t lose the intended stimulus of the workout. a 14 minute workout is not the same feel as a 24 minute workout.
7 Rounds
2 Wall Walks
8 S-DB Step Ups 50/35lbs to 24/20″ (single DB)
8 Toes to Bar
8 S-DB Step Ups 50/35lbs to 24/20″

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 10-14 minutes (2:00/round average) Firebreather Score: sub-10 minutes (1:30/round average)
–  Wall Walk: Use the CrossFit Open standard scaling for athletes. Can be reduce to 1 wall walk athletes
can do so consistently.
–  DB Step Up: Should allow for unbroken steps
–  Toes to bar: Should be 1 set each round. Can be reduce to as few as 5, but fewer than 5 should be scaled to kipping knee raises or AbMat sit ups

5 rounds of 100m barbell front rack carry. weight should be fairly heavy and 100m should be unbroken be careful walking with a barbell in the front rack, we don’t do it that often

Barbell warm up, coach led-
experienced althetes concentrate during this warm up, if you you think you can’t learn from empty bar positional skill work…… you have a lot to learn.
New athletes, don’t forget these positions when you are going through the lifting.

Squat Clean and Split Jerk
3 reps @ 70-75%
2 reps @ 75-80%
1 rep @ 80-85%
1 rep @ 85-90%
1 rep @ 90-95%
1 rep @ 70-80%
If reps are looking and feeling good, athletes may continue past 95% toward a new 1RM.
All athletes will back down for their final rep to finish the day on a quality, lighter rep.
Drop and reset between reps. Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.

Pick 1 of the following skills (or another coach- approved skill) and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.
– 5-30′ HS Walk
– :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
– 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
– 1-2 Rope Climbs
– 5-40 Double Unders
– :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)

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