2 Rounds
20 Duck Walk Steps
12 Empty Bar Pause OH Squats Run 200m
After that, athletes perform 4 sets of a :10 Ring Support Hold, (alternating between top
of the rings and bottom of rings – 2 each)

For Proficient Athletes with 3+ Muscle Ups
E2MOM 8 Minutes
1 Max set of Muscle Ups
For Athletes with 0-2 Muscle Ups E2MOM 8 Minutes
1 Set Low Ring Banded Muscle Ups

AMRAP 13 Minutes
7 Squat Snatch 95/65lbs
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups Rest :30
8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
7 Squat Snatch 95/65lbs
Rest :30

Feel: Muscle Overload

Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 6+ Rounds Firebreather Score: 10+ Rounds

  • Squat Snatch: Reduce the loading to allow for touch and go sets (never more
    than 3 sets to complete the reps). Should not exceed :30 in any round.
  • Chest to Bar: Should be 1-2 sets. Scale to chin over bar pull ups for athletes who
    cannot consistently perform 5 chest to bar pull ups or scale further to ring rows or banded pull
    ups. Avoid jumping pull ups due to stimulus

Coach Focus: One round of this AMRAP is one couplet no matter the order of the movements, since
they alternate after every :30 rest period. Coaches need to be careful not to scale this workout
too much as that will change the stimulus from muscular overload to gas/cardio. Coaches should push
the transition quickly since there is only 15 reps before each rest period.

Alternating EMOM Teams of 3 for 9:00
1- 10 Goblet Good For Yous (Lunge Right-Leg/Lunge Left-Leg/Squat)
2- 10 Burpees to 6” target
3- 50m Empty Sled Push or 100m run

AMRAP 30 Minutes
Teams of 3, One partner working at a time
20 DB Lunge Steps 50s/35s
12 Burpees
100m Empty Sled Push

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 4 rounds each Firebreather Score: 6+ rounds

  • DB Lunge: Athletes should be able to complete in one set. Reduce
    loading for many – high volume lunges can really beat athletes up.
  • Burpees: Should not exceed :60 to complete in all rounds or reduce by
    1-4 reps.
  • Sled: Should be a fast push and all for running. If sleds are not
    available, scale with SB carry or a farmers carry
    Coach Focus: The longer clock should encourage athletes to push during their working periods. Every
    movement should take less than :60 to complete the whole workout, closer to :30. Scale weight of
    DBs for the lunge, scale to regular burpees or 6/4 AAB calories. If sleds are not available a light
    Sandbag run 100/70 or Farmer’s carry will be good subs. Additional Notes/Resources:
    Sled Push Alternatives:
    Sandbag Carry Anyhow 100/70lbs
    Farmer’s Carry DBs or KBs 50s/35 35lbs

Tricep Smash 1:30/ Side
On a 4:00 Clock Row 500m
20 Front Squats with Empty Bar
Freestanding HS Practice in time remaining

E2MOM for 12 Minutes
(2) 1-1/4 Front Squats
Rest As Needed

Coach Focus: Teaching athletes how to harness the value of the “bounce” and how to not have the
bounce change their torso angle is a skill that must be practiced. Coaches should keep a keen eye
on their athletes as they use the “double bounce” (via the 1/4 squat) to watch for a change in
torso angle (leaning forward). If the athlete’s torso pitches forward during their bounce they are
now put in a less advantageous position to lift maximal weight. While this is not meant to be a
very heavy session, the lessons will help athletes lift heavier weight in the future, if
practiced properly.

For Time
50 Power Cleans 95/65lbs
25 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
50 Wallballs 20/14lbs

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 6-8 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub. 5:30

  • Power Cleans: Should allow for 15 consecutive reps when fresh. Should not exceed 3
    minutes to complete. If pulling from the floor is an issue, modify to a hang power clean.
  • BJO: Should not exceed 2 minutes to complete. Reduce box height to keep athletes
    jumping if possible. If jumping isn’t available to athletes, modify to a 20/16 Calorie AirBike to
    preserve the “gas” stimulus
  • Wallballs: Athlete should be able to perform 30 consecutive wall balls with their weight
    when fresh. Should not exceed 3 minutes to complete their 50 reps. Scale weight, not reps if

Coach Focus: All athlete should be pushing to finish this short chipper as fast as possible by
reaching via bigger sets and short breaks when resting. While athletes are pushing to go fast,
coaches need to hold the standard for “good” vs. “bad” reps. Do not allow athletes to blur the
lines with shoddy movement. Move fast, but move well. When athletes he wall ball, encourage
them to go to failure or 50 reps, whichever happens first.

20 A-frame Toe Touches
5 Inchworms + a Pushup
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Climb the Ladder by 1 Shuttle Run 1 Shuttle Run (25’ down and back)
3 Burpees
2 Shuttle Runs
3 Burpees
3/3, 4/3, 5/3

3 Rounds
1:00 Max Rep Ring Rows
1:00 Rest
1:00 Max Strict Ring Dips
1:00 Rest

AMRAP 15 Minutes Climb the ladder*
2 Shuttle Runs
3 Wall Walks
4 Shuttle Runs
3 Wall Walks
6 Shuttle Runs
3 Wall Walks 8/3, 10/3, 12/3
*Continue to climb adding 2 shuttle runs every
round 1 Shuttle run= 50ft

Stimulus: Stamina

Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: The 12 week progression continues today with a slight change of pace, different
movements are on tap. Coaches should remain sticklers on movement quality to ensure these movements
we train today have skill/strength transfer.

Additional Notes/Resources: Ring Row: use a difficult that allows for a set of 15+ to start. Ring
Dip: must be able to perform 5+ perfect strict reps to start, otherwise use a band or perform bench
dips or push ups.

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 77 reps+ (Finishing round of 14/3) Firebreather Score: 117 reps+ (Finishing round of

  • Shuttle Run: If an athlete cannot run due to injury, a :10 Machine (bike preferred)
    = 1 Shuttle Run.
  • Wall Walks: Wall Walk should not exceed :60 to complete at absolute slowest,
    ideally more like :15-40. Use the Open Standard for modification. Coaches may reduce to 1-2 reps
    depending on fitness level. If injury prevents wall walks, modify to a :45 plank on elbows

Coach Focus: Coaches should use today’s class to help athletes find their 15 minute pace for this
AMRAP. We are looking for your athletes to be in perpetual motion for the entire 15 minutes. Before
starting, use your skill development session to help athletes find their steady pace on the wall
walks. Encourage your athletes to focus on placing their hands in the same place o f the wall
walks they do. Consistency begets consistency, be robotic.

Partner Wods

Wod 1

12 Minutes
16 cleans 155/95
16 burpees over your bar
200 M farmer carry.. 50/35 pound dumbbells you can switch the dumbbells between partners but you CAN NOT each carry 1

Wod 2
10 Minutes split how you want how many rounds can you get
50 Kb swings 50/35
30 pull ups

wod 3

6 minutes of Man Makers. 50/35

1 131 132 133 134 135 533