Saturday December 10th

8am Endurance
Teams of 3
35 Mintues Amrap. there is not resting teammate on this one
One teammate starts on each station. Switch when the runner gets back
Run 400

9am CrossFit

For Time with a Partner: 35 minutes cap- you are alternating rounds on this. one partner finishes as entire round then the next partner goes

4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
5 Shuttle Runs
12 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
6 Shuttle Runs
9 Power Cleans 165/115lbs
4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
7 Shuttle Runs
6 Power Cleans 195/135lbs
4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
8 Shuttle Runs
3 Power Cleans 225/155lbs
30 minute cap
1 shuttle = 25′ out and 25′ back.