Warm up today!
Warm up is
7 Minutes amrap
Run 200
15 Airsquats
30 seconds hang from bar

Then take 5-10 minutes to build up to a clean weight you will be using for WOD 2

Teams of 2
Wod 1
7 Minutes of
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Rest 5. if you want to get a few cleans in

Wod 2- 24 Minutes
Alternating rounds with a partner
12/10 cals any machine
1 Rope climb (or 3 pulls)
1 Heavy squat clean (over 80 percent of your max)
*shooting for just over a minute around and expecting people slow down
*no more than 2 attempts on the squat clean then your partner goes.

Rest 5

Wod 3- 7 minutes for both partners to establish a 3 rep max front squat from the rack

8am Endurance
9am Crossfit
9am ADULT WEIGHTLIFTING FREE TRIAL CLASSES. Only 2 free sessions left to test out this amazing add on program we have. It’s exactly what a lot of you were asking for. Some extra time each week just focusing on Weightlifting in a structured program.

Teams of 2
It does not matter which machine you start on! BUT you will switch machines every 12 minutes, this is 36 minutes straight of work with no rest. This is steady state cardio
0-12 Machine 1- one partner is on the machine, one partner is running 400s, switch everytime the person is back from the 400
12-24- go to a different machine
24-36- use the machine you havent been on

9am CrossFit

Move Steadily Through:
1:00 Squat Hold,
15 Empty Bar Snatch Grip Press (behind the neck)
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Pause OHS w/ Empty Bar
1:00 Handstand Hold
**if you struggle with OHS change to a front squat for the wod


AMRAP 21 Minutes
7 Strict HSPU
14 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
7 Strict HSPU
28/22 Calorie Row

Scaling- kipping hspu, pike push ups off box, or regular push ups

Warm up
1 Minute banded pull apart
5 Minute Amrap
10 cal ski/row
10 Burpees
8 Empty Bar Deadlifts

Bench Review
Then 4 sets of 4 at 75 percent

Friday Night Throwdow
Part 1
Snatch and Grab
6 Minute Amrap
50 Wall balls
40 Alt DB Snatches
30 Cal ski

Rest 1 Minute
“Grip and Rip”
1 minute max reps deadlifts

2 Rounds while going over whiteboard
30 Second Squat Hold
10 air squats
Then 2 rounds of
10 Knees raises
10 Empty Bar Front Squats
20 singles

Review front squat by going over 2×5 sets with empty bar with some tempo and a hold
Take a few minutes to build up to a first weight. We arent talking 10 minutes. Part of your 15 minutes of your strength work will serve as a warm up

Strength 15 minutes to build to a heavy PAUSE front squat single

After strength you will have 5 minutes to build to heavy clean

For Time
200 Double Unders
40 Toes to Bar
10 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs

PLEASE READ THIS. to hit the stimulus of this workout you are shooting for 10 minutes or less. Don’t get so wrapped up in “RX.” A 10 minute working taking you 25 minutes is not what we are shooting for. Intensity equals results in wods. Strength portions of days are where you are supposed to be slower and deliberate with your movements.

Feel: Muscle overload/Gas Pacing: Reach

Target Score: Sub-10 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-7 Minutes

  • Double Unders: Should note exceed 3 minutes of practice. Allow athletes to accumulate
    double unders if they have them for 3 minutes, if double unders are not there, 1:1 single unders
  • Toes to Bar: Should not exceed 5 minutes to complete. Consider reduce reps to as few as 20
    reps for athletes with toes to bar or modify to knee raises
  • Squat Clean: Should not exceed 80% of PR Squat clean. Consistent singles are what we are
    looking for, coaches should be careful to not over scale the barbell and have it be too light.
    Coach Focus: Coaches should expect a bit of “WTF” from their athletes with today’s very, very beefy
    conditioning piece.
    We recommend a firm time cap of 10 minutes to ensure that athletes do not turn
    this shorter workout into a fitness saga.

    One effective way to ensure athletes move at the speed
    you are looking for them to move at is capping each section of the workout. Once the cap occurs,
    athletes move onto the next movement regardless of how many reps they completed in tha
    the jump rope, 3:00 – 8:00 for toes to bar, and 8:00 – 10:00 for the barbell at the end.

1:30 Pvc pass through while coach is going over board then
AMPAP 6 Minutes
10/7 Calorie Bike, increase intensity
:20 Dead Hang
10 Hollow Rocks
:20 Plank Transitions

Pull up, push review
3 Rounds
1:00 Max Rep Banded Strict Pull Ups
:30 Rest
1:00 Max Rep Push Ups
:30 Rest
Pull Ups: Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may start with a lighter band and increase
band thickness as needed.

Push Ups. Use a band if needed to allow perfect form and fast reps.

Goal is the same or more reps that 2 weeks ago
with less rest between sets.

Teams of 6. TRY to team up with people that are similar height as you. Would rather not have you adjusting the seat every switch or using 3 different bikes for one team of 6

AMRAP 16 Minutes, in Teams of 6
10/7 Calorie AirBike

Feel: Gas Pacing: Send
Target Score: 5 Rounds Each
Firebreather Score: 7 Rounds Each

Cool Down- Standing straddle and butterfly

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