Warm Up:
PVC Pipe Passthroughs
(White Board)
AMRAP 7 Minutes
150m Ski
10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25lbs
5 Good For Yous (2 Lunges + 1 Air Squat)

We will go over the wall ball and the DB snatch
Fix technique now as this is a taxing wod

This is for your benefit. You’ll get a better workout finishing your workout than going too heavy and not finishing

We are capping this at 25 minutes to get to the midline work
15 WOD:
For Time w/ a 25-minute cap
10 Rounds
15 Wallballs 20/14lbs
15 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lbs
Target Score: 15-20 Minutes

Feel: Cardio/Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 15-20 Minutes, 25 Minute Cap Firebreather Score: Sub-14 Minutes
–   Wallballs: Coaches should allow for 1-2 sets for the entire workout. Scale
weight, not reps unless scaling for a very new athlete
–   DB Snatch: Coaches should allow for 1-2 sets for the entire workout. Scale
weight, not reps unless scaling for very new athlete
Coach Focus: Nowhere to hide here. Today is an acceptable day to scale reps for new athletes as well as weight. For everyone else, scale weight of both implements before reps, erring on the side of lighter vs. heavier today.
Neither wallballs nor DB snatches should never require more than 2 sets to complete. This will be cardio for the fittest who can go back and forth with unbroken sets, and gas for many others.

Midline work

:40 Midline Work:
EMOM 12 Min
:10 L-Sit Hold
Stack plates to take place of parallettes, with straight arms, wrist and shoulder stacked

Most difficult. Legs both straight out

One leg bent one straight

Both legs bent

Bent with one foot tapping the ground for stability

Hanging from the rig and building from that is also an option

Sunday Funday
warm up
3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats
5 burpees

Teams of 2
Wod 1- 8 minute amrap
16 partner wall balls (throw the ball off the target to each other
10 Synchro Burpees
20 Synchro walking lunges

5minute break in which time you will be starting to warm up for the following complex
Wod 2- 8 minutes- Both partner will have 7 minutes TOTAL to find a 1 rep max of the following complex

without dropping the bar perform
3 Deadlifts (pause on the third)
3 hang squat cleans
1 Shoulder to overhead
**Theres a catch to this complex. Must run 100 meters before every official attempt
*tips for these grippy complexes- don’t stand there and just hold the bar between movements, thats time under tension and time on your group. Be deliberate and smooth. you really should only be pausing after the third deadlift for a split second to officially make that hand clean. You don’t see games athletes leaning way over the bar resting it on their quads trying to regrip it for 5 seconds. Efficiency is key.

Wod 3- 15 minutes- switching every 5 minutes
max cals on machines split how you want
5 minute bike
5 minute ski
5 minute row
*order of machines does not matter

Today is the start of the add on weightlifting program for adults at 9. If you haven’t added this to your membership yet just show up and we will add it for you or you can add it in your ap.

8am Endurance
9am crossfit
9am Adult Weightlifting

8am Endurance- Teams of 4 waterfall, minute at each station, 10 rounds each
1- burpees

9am CrossFit
Warm up
8 Minutes
150m Row
6 Box Jump Overs
4 Strict Pull ups
4 Knee raises

10 Rounds
300/250m Row or ski or 18/12 cal bike
6 burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
1 Rope Climb

Target score is under 25 minutes. Box jump overs can be box step overs

1:30 Squat Hold
(White board brief)
3 Rounds
5 Kip Swings
5 Pull Ups
5 Font Squats with empty bar

Muscle up warm and review
5 Reps of each
Jump to Hollow
Hollow to Kip
Kip to Knees to bar
Knees to bar to open hips with pull down on bar

Clean review and warm up

5 Reps each
Clean pull from Power Position
Clean High Pull from Power Position
Power Clean
Hang clean
Squat Clean from the floor
**Warm Up to WOD weight*

:30 WOD

For Time
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups


To modify this WOD-

Reduce weight on Clean

Reduce number of MU

Power clean, no squat

Cool down
Childs pose

Warm Up
10 Burpees
50 Unbroken Wallballs (LIGHT WEIGHT)
Run 400m
10 Burpees

:10- bench review
Retract shoulder blades in and decompress down
Break at the elbows allowing the bar to descend towards the center of the chest.
Elbows track tight and close to the body.
Allow the bar to make contact with the chest.
Drive through the heels (down and away), butt stays on the bench 
Press the bar straight back to your starting position.

Strength- Find 1 Rep Max bench

Teams of 4

AMRAP 16 Minutes

200m Ski*
10 Pistols
*Waterfall style, once P1 leaves the Ski Erg the next person will start on the Ski Erg. *
Target Score 4+ rounds

Pistol Scale/Modification –
Pistol to target (bench, box etc.)
“Curtsy” Squat
Air Squats

Cool down
Sumo Squat Hold
Lying Knee to Chest Stretch

1 126 127 128 129 130 533