Warm Up AMRAP 7 min Run 400m 30 Jumping Lunges 20 Scap Pull Ups 10 BBJO or Step ups :10 Review Strict Press Brace core before removing barbell from rack Step back and press (keeping bar close to body) Less time under tension the better :15 Strength Strict Press 5-5-5-5-5 All sets 70-80% Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
TIPS FOR WOD: C2B Pull Ups When pushing away from the bar try to spot your toes in periphery Grip >> Wrist stacked over elbow when chest is to the bar Top of the pull up will be done “behind the bar “
:35 WOD AMRAP 3 Minutes 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ Max Chest to Bar Pullups Rest 5:00 AMRAP 3 Minutes 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 10 Chest to Bar Pullups Max Burpee Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ Target Score: A minimum of 1 Minute on the Max Rep Portion Score is total reps of both Max movements
:55 Cool Down Down Dog (flat feet stretching achilles and calves) Childs pose/ Puppy dog
Warm Up PVC pipe passthroughs -Then- 1 wall walk 6 empty bar front squats 1 wall walk 6 power position power cleans 1 wall walk 6 hang squat cleans 1 wall walk 6 squat cleans
:10 Review Tempo Pull Squat Cleans Using a 5 Second Pull Set Up (Barbell above base of toes, toes slightly turned out, shoulders over bar, weight mid foot in set up) Mid Shin Hang (Hips & shoulders rise at the same time) Power Position (torso moves vertically, knees bent, straight arms)
Think explosive jump/leg drive, “triple extension” Athletes will need to actively pull to get under weight Elbows/bar in front rack position by the time feet hit the floor from the jump
Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes (7 sets) 3 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans Drop and reset between reps Start no heavier than 1RM. May add weight is movement is flawless
Wod Review of DB hang clean
:45 WOD AMRAP 5 Min Climb the ladder 1 Wall Walk 4 DB Power Cleans 50s/35s 2 Wall Walk 8 DB Power Cleans 50s/35s 3 Wall Walks
Wednesday 8/24 Warm Up AMRAP 7 Minutes 100m Run 10 Kip Swings :10 Ring Support Hold 10 Hollow Rocks
Ring Dip Review -jumping -toe tap -banded -kipping or strict -Dip of box or bench if support isnt there on the dips
:15 Strength E3MOM 9 Minutes (3 sets) 1:00 Max Ring Dips Rest in time remaining *Can be multiple sets
:30 WOD 5 Rounds 10 Toes to bar 12/9 Bike calories 10 Toes to bar Rest 2:00 between rounds Scale movement down on toes to bar if your sets start to be broken. This is 100 t2b, be smart
Target Score: Sub 20 min Unbroken TTB (Sub for hanging knee raises, V Ups or leg raises on the floor) Bike :55 or less :55 Cool Down Thread the needle Banded stretch both sides (light resistance)