40 Minutes of work (20 minutes one machine, 20 minutes on another machine)
teams of 2. DOES not matter what machine you start on
Partner 1- row or ski for meters
Partner 2- Run 400m
*switch when the runner gets back
at 20 minutes change machine

9am CrossFit
Teams of 4.

For Time
Teams of 4, Rotating stations each minute until all is complete or hit time cap. Communicate your reps to each other. you will need a whiteboard to keep track of where you are
400 Calorie Machine
300 DB Snatch 53/35lbs
250 Bench Press 135/95lbs Rest (or other weight
Time Cap 30 Minutes
*Athletes begin at different stations and work all at once with one resting. Once a station is completed, it becomes another rest station.

Friday 11/4
Warm Up
3:00 Machine of Choice
2:00 of Glute Activation
10 Spiderman Lunges
20 Jump Squats
:10 Strength
Squat Clean Warm Up
1×3 Power Position
1×3 Hang, at knee
1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans
Squat Cleans
4 reps @ 65%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
4 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
4 @ 75-80%
3 @ 80-85%
2 @ 85-90%
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets, drop and reset.
Goal is for the last wave to be heavier than last
week’s last wave.

:55 Cool Down
Couch Stretch 1:00/side
Pigeon Pose 1:00/side

Thursday November 3rd

Warm Up  

Coach Lead movement by movement  

Wrist Rolls 

12 Dead Bugs  

12 Bird Dogs 

:30 Hollow (Arms in Overhead Position)  

12 Lunge + Twist 

With a Barbell >> 

Good Mornings 

Overhead Press (From behind the head) 


OH Lunge 

:15 Strength  

4 – 6 Sets  

25 Feet Overhead Walking Lunges (Moderate weight) 

(Scale to Front Rack Lunges or Heavy DB Lunges)  

:35 WOD 

5 Rounds for Time  

12 KB Sumo DL High Pulls 55/35 

15 Wall Balls 30/20 

15 KB Swings 55/35 

Target Score- 10 Minutes 

Time Cap- 15 Minutes 

Wednesday 11/2
Warm Up
Run 800M
Then Coach Lead >>
10 Minutes
Shuttles Sprints 40 feet (:30 On :30 Off)

:15 Skill
Partner Ski Sprints
For 10 Rounds (5 Each Partner)
:45 Ski
*15 Second Transition between rounds. Reset your ski and get ready.
Coach to call out transitions

:40 WOD
AMRAP 15 Minutes (heads up, this is a grippy workout)
2 Rope Climbs (scale to 1 or 3 to 5 pulls from the ground)
6 Sandbag Over Barbell 100/75
100 M Farmer Carry 70/50
Target Score 6+ Rounds

Warm Up
400 M Run
Hip Flow >>

2 Rounds
6 Push Ups
10 Goblet Squats
10 Big rope jump rope or regular rope jump rope

E2MOM 12 Minutes
4 Front Squats @ 70%-80%

4 Rounds for time
10 Ring Rows
100 Singles
25 Air Squats
15 Burpees over Rope
Target Score 14 Minutes
Time Cap 25 Minutes
Scaling Options >>>
Singles – No more than 1:30 on skill
Burpees over Rope – No more than 2:00 on skill
Can you do 10 rings rows almost parallel with the ground. Ok… challenge yourself with inverted ring rows.

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