Warm Up


3 Min Machine (COACHED TIMED)

5 Inch Worms + Push Up (Do this in lines a few as a time)

:30 sec Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
:30 sec Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
:30 sec Hollow hold with legs extended straight up
:30 sec Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully

:30 sec Arch hold with arms straight by ears, glutes tight and feet together

Move to the rig!

6-Kip Swings

6 Knee Raises

TTB to target with a partner. Increase the height of target. Try to maintain straight legs with proper hollow and arch positions.

:15 Skill


For Time

Unbroken Sets Toes to Bar



For Time

Unbroken Sets Toes to Bar



For Time

Unbroken Kipping Knee Raises


:30 WOD

AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3 rounds

30 Double Under

6 Sandbag Clean (Over the shoulder) 100/75


Rest 2 Minutes between AMRAPS

Warm Up

1:00 Banded Pull Aparts

2 Rounds
10/8 Cal on Ski
8 Empty Bar Snatch Grip Press (snatch-grip push press behind the neck, ending in snatch overhead position)
8 Empty Bar Snatch Grip RDLs


It’s not often we do Snatch Grip RDLs.  However, it’s important to strengthen the posterior chain. Snatch Grip RDLs put a big demand on the upper back and erectors. You will also have an increase of hip flexion with this movement.

Wide grip on barbell, pulling shoulder blade in pockets. Feet under the hips. Bar stays CLOSE to body.

On the descent hinge at the hips towards the wall behind you, strong core, slight bend of the knee, bringing barbell the shin level.  On the way up push through the heels and keep the lats activated.

15 Strength

Squat Snatch

Warm Up

1×3 from Power Position

1×3 from Hang, at knee, w/ tempo pull

1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches, lighter than set

1 weight.


5 reps @ 60%

4 @ 65%

3 @ 70%

5 @ 65%

4 @ 70%

3 @ 75%

5 @ 70%

4 @ 75%

3 @ 80%

Rest 2-4 minutes between sets, drop and reset.

:55 Cool Down



Monday 11/28

Warm Up

2 Rounds

200 M Run

10 Air Squats

5 Strict Press

5 Push Press

5 Push Jerks

:10 Strength

Front Squats

5×5 @ 65%

: 35 WOD

AMRAP 16 Minutes

200 M Run

1 Rope Climb

5 Power Clean and Jerk @65-70% rx weight is 65 to 70% of 1rm. something you can get some quick singles in on but isnt too light. Probably should be a little heavy for any touch and go’s

1 Rope Climb (dont miss this second rope climb)

Target Score 4+ Rounds

:55 Cool Down

Jump on a bike

Sunday Funday
Teams of 2
Coaches choice warm up

Then on a running clock complete
Grace, Helen, Karen
Start with an 800m partner rope run

30 Clean and Jerks for time (split evenly 15 each)


400 meter Run (Run together)
42 Kettlebell Swings (one partner finishes 21 then next partner does 21)
24 Pull-Ups (one partner finishes 12 next partner does 12)

Then Karen
150 wall balls -split how you want

Turkey buster
Teams of 2
16 Minutes per station alternating every 2 minutes (except on the run, alternate every 200m, you go i go)
If you are keeping track, keep track of your total meters.

9am CrossFit
For Time 10 Rounds
2 Wall Walks
4 Shuttle Runs (25 feet out, 25 feet back equals 1 shuttle run)
12 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs

1 103 104 105 106 107 533