Monday 12/5
Warm Up
200M Run
10 Air Squats
5 Push Press
200M Run
10 Empty Bar Front Squats
5 Push Jerk
200M Run
10 Empty Bar OHS
5 Split Jerk

:15 Strength
Overhead Squat
Build to a heavy set of 7 and repeat 3 times

:45 WOD
AMRAP 5 Minutes
30 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95lbs (Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk)
30 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95lbs
Target Score: 1+ Rounds

STO and Hang Squat Cleans – Athletes should be able to do 10 unbroken reps when fresh. Reduce
weight before reps. If an injury prevents use of a barbell, use DBs. Recommend DB RX is

Coaches choice warm up

Then teams of 2 split how you want
Wod 1- 10 minutes
10 Push Jerk, 135/95
10 toes to bar
20 Lunges with single KB held like a goblet squat

Wod 2-
10 Minutes split how you want
30 KB Swings, 70/53
30 Cals

Wod 3
800m sandbag carry (bear hug only, switch when you want)

Happy Birthday Alison!
8am Endurance
Classic Waterfall
Teams of 5
A minute each station

9am Crossfit
Wod 1- 10 minutes
10 cals
10 Burpees Over a a bar

Wod 2-
16 Minutes
10 Deadlifts
8 hang cleans
6 shoulder to overhead
Run 200m

Friday 12/2

Warm Up


8/6 Cal Ski

6 Empty Bar Front Squat

6 Strict Press

*Barbell Review for Clean and Push Jerk

:15 Strength

Build to a heavy weight for the following complex

Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk

:35 WOD

For Time

10 Rounds

2 Wall Walks OR 25 Foot HSW
100 m Run
12 Hang Db clean and jerk (6 one arm, then 6 the other arm)

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

:55 Cool Down

Thread the needle

Twisted Cross


Thursday 12/1

Warm Up

3 min Bike

2 Rounds

10 Wallballs

12 Walking Lunges

10 Box Step Ups

:15 Strength

Pause Back Squat*


Start around 50%

*Regular speed down, full pause in the bottom

then stand fast

:40 WOD

Thruster 105/75lbs
Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Target Score: 5-8 Minutes

15 Min Time Cap

:55 Cool Down


Childs Pose

1 102 103 104 105 106 533