8am Endurance
Teams of 3
35 Mintues Amrap. there is not resting teammate on this one
One teammate starts on each station. Switch when the runner gets back
Run 400

9am CrossFit

For Time with a Partner: 35 minutes cap- you are alternating rounds on this. one partner finishes as entire round then the next partner goes

4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
5 Shuttle Runs
12 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
6 Shuttle Runs
9 Power Cleans 165/115lbs
4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
7 Shuttle Runs
6 Power Cleans 195/135lbs
4 Rounds, alternating rounds (2 each) of:
8 Shuttle Runs
3 Power Cleans 225/155lbs
30 minute cap
1 shuttle = 25′ out and 25′ back.

Warm Up
4-way Banded Glute Activation Steps, 20 per
direction + 5 pause air squats after every 20 Steps
2 Rounds
15 Goblet Squats
8 S-Arm Devils Press w/light DB
100m Row

:10 Strength
Every :90 for 12 Minutes (8×1)
1 Tempo Back Squat AHAP
3-second count to the bottom, no pause,
stand up AFAP.

For Time
Devils Press 50s/35s
200m Row (between each set, but not at the
Target Score: Sub-15 Minutes

DBs: The weight should be hefty but should allow for consistent reps.

:55 Cool Down
Double Flat Needle
Twisted Cross

Warm Up
2 Rounds
200M Run
5 Inchworms with push up
10 Air Squats
THEN as a class
:30 Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
:30 Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
:30 Hollow hold with legs extended straight up :30 Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully
:30 Arch hold with arms straight by ears, glutes tight and feet together
:30 Dead Hang (Lat Activated)

Scap Pull Ups
2 Beat (Kip) Swings
Hanging Knee raises
Beat (Kip Swing) to target (Straight Legs)
-Increase height of target until toes reach the bar OR form starts to break
-Actively push down on the bar throughtout the hollow portion of the movement

:25 WOD
AMRAP 30 Minutes
10 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Toes to Bar
10 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Wallballs 20/14lbs
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00


  • Bar Facing Burpees: Should not exceed 1:00 at any point
  • Toes to Bar: Should not exceed 3 sets at any point. Can be reduced to
    as few as 9 reps per round or otherwise scale to knee raises
  • Wallballs: Should be 1-2 sets for most of this workout, but never more
    than 3 sets.

2 Minute Ski (as a class)
Then Burgner Warm Up

:15 Strength
Squat Snatch
1×3 Power Position
1×3 Hang
1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches
4 reps @ 65%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
4 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
4 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
2 @ 85%

:55 Cool Down
Childs Pose
Thread the needle

Warm Up
4 Rounds
1 minute machine
20 Mountain Climbers
:10 WOD
In Teams of 4
AMRAP 40 Minutes
:50 Bike
Rest :10
Athletes are essentially biking :50 every 4 minutes, so
they should be pushing an aggressive pace.

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