Warm Up
1 Minute Glute activation
-into8 min AMRAP:
:10 sec HS Hold
5 Deadlifts (empty bar)
5 Hang Muscle Cleans (empty bar, no dip under the bar)
5 Shoulder Press (empty bar, Strict Press)
:15 Strength
5 working sets of:
5 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk

  • Work up to a Heavy, Unbroken set. Based off 1RM Clean and Jerk
    Set 1: 52.5%
    Set 2: 60%
    Set 3: 70%
    Set 4: 75%
    Set 5: 77.5%
    Make sure athletes don’t add weight if it does not look good or feel good. For beginners, have them stay
    light and work form and use Dumbbells or PVC pipe if needed to really hammer in technique.

    Wod prep 30 after the hour-do 1 Prove it Round to get an idea of weight and movement you will doing for HSPU- don’t go into the wod without practice and then realize you went too heavy or too light
    2 sets:
    4 Dumbbell Step Ups
    2 Handstand Push-ups
    :35 WOD
    4 sets
    2:30 AMRAP
    20 Double Dumbbell Box Step Ups (35s/20s) to a 20” box for all athletes
    Max Strict Handstand Push Ups in remaining time (Kipping HSPU, HSPU w/ feet on a box, Dumbbell
    Shoulder Press)
    -rest 1 minute between setsTarget number of reps each set 15+ reps
    Athletes should aim for a specific amount of reps in set 1 that can be replicated in the following sets as
    closely as possible. Athletes should have 45-60 seconds of working time on HSPU and can decrease box
    step-up volume if needed to meet this time frame.
    The score is total Handstand Push-ups completed each set.
    :55 Cool Down
    1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
    1 min calf stretch against wall (each side)
    1 min foam roll upper back

Wod 1- Teams of 2
8 minute Amrap
10 Synchronized Dumbbell snatches
8 Synchronized burpees
ONE partner runs 100m while the other rests.. alternate on the run every round

Wod 2- Team of 2
12 Minutes Amrap
Buy in
1000 meter row or ski split however you want
As many rounds as possible of
12 Dumbbell Thrusters
12 pull ups
200 M Run together!
*Split work however you want, but you both have to do the run

Wod 3-
9 minutes max bike calories.. split how you want….

8am and 9am. SAME WORKOUT
The 12 days of Christmas

“12 Days of Christmas”
1 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/35
2 Thrusters 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/35
3 Push Presses 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/35
4 Power Cleans 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/35
5 Power Snatches 75/55 INT-65/45 BEG-55/35
6 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15
7 Pull-Ups Or Any Progression
8 Knees-to-Elbows or Knee Raises
9 Box Jumps 24/20
10 Double-Unders or Singles
11 Burpees
12 Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25 lb Plate BEG-25/15
–Coaches Notes–
You will complete this workout just like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” You’ll complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Not everyone will set up their own bar/equipment we will plan the layout according to how many people come in for class. IF YOU ARE IN A BUSY CLASS PLEASE BE AWARE OF YOUR SURRUNDINGS, there is a lot going on with this wod.

Warm Up
400 M Run
Then 2 Rounds
10 Single Arm Deadlift/Suitcase Deadlift (Light Weight)
8 Goblet Squats (Light Weight)
5 Strict Pull Ups (Lat Activation)
:10 Strength
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Rounds
1×15 @ 40%
1×12 @45%
1×8 @50%
2×6 @ 60%
ALL UNBROKEN SETS. No slamming off the bar. Plates will “Kiss” the ground. Arms will stay straight; Lats activated the entire time.

:30 WOD
Rowing Test
Row 1000M (to create fatigue)
3 Rounds
500M Row
:45 Rest between Rounds
Focus on technique! Arm should be LOCKED OUT throughout the stroke until legs and hips are fully locked out.
:55 Cool Down
Downward Dog (Flat feet)

Thursday 12/15
Warm Up
1 Min Glute Activation Steps
Then 2 Rounds
5 Empty Bar Front Squats
6 Box Step Ups
5 Burpees
:10 Strength
Front Squat
1×5 @ 60%
1×5 @ 60%
1×5 @ 70%
1×5 @ 70%
:30 WOD

EMOM 20 Minutes
1) 12/9 Cal Ski or row
2) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
3) 100 M Run
4) 60 Double Unders (Singles)
Ski and Run >> Hold a consistent speed for every round. These are NOT a sprint. Complete these in :35-:40
BBJO and Double Unders >> completed by :30- :35
Scale appropriately to hit these time domains.
:55 Cool Down
Figure Four

1 99 100 101 102 103 532