8am Endurance Teams of 2 Last week we ran! This week we get some machines out AND RUN!Wod 1- 20 Minute amrapRun 800m togetherwith time remaining max calories on whatever machine you pick-one partner working at a time on the machine. switch out when wanted 5 burpees from both partners on every switchRest 5 MinutesWod...Read More
Warm Up1:00 Wall Angels (butt, lower back and head on wall. Heels can be off the wall)THENAMRAP 5:00 (Steady Pace)10 Jumping Lunges5 Bar Facing Burpees10 Med Ball Squat Cleans5 Bar facing burpees:10 ReviewPacing Burpees“Sprawl” entire body goes to the floor at the same time. Avoiding hips falling first.FOOTWORK –If stepping in, step in close to...Read More
Warm Up1:00 T-spine mash (Thoracic – upper back and lats)1:00 PVC OHS HoldThen,Alternating EMOM 6:00 (2 rounds of each10 Pause OHS, empty bar or PVC12 Lateral Bar Burpees50 Double Unders/SinglesReviewDouble UnderIntroduce Penguin claps by starting with power jumps (big jumps) and then hands pat the sides of yourhips twice while in the air.With a rope,...Read More
30 Steps with Glute Band above kneesTHEN3 Rounds (6 Minutes):90 Steady Row:10 Hard Row:20 Slow RowReviewLet’s address positional awareness with the following:-Set Up-Mid Shin-Long hang (knees)-Power PositionTHEN do 10 Empty Bar Tempo Pull Squat Cleans (5 second pull):15 StrengthEvery 2 minutes for 14 minutes (7 sets)3 Tempo Pull Squat CleanDrop and reset between reps *Start...Read More
Warm Up2 Rounds200 m run8 (light) DB Man makers10 box jump overs :10 Review Ring Dips10 Push-ups (may use bands above elbows if needed)2x :10 Ring Support Holds (in a hollow, pushing down on rings, rings close to body, tight core)3-5 Ring Dip Negatives (From the support position, 3 sec down where rings meet chest,...Read More
Monday 8/15Warm Up6 Inch Worms with a Push Up20 Thick Banded Good Mornings-Then 2 Rounds200 m run SPRINT10 Plank Toe Taps:15 ReviewDeadlift*Set UpCreate tension, put your shoulders in your back pocketShoulder over wristShoulder higher than hipsHips higher than knees :20 StrengthBuild to a Heavy Deadlift Single between80-90%then3×5 @ 75-80% 1RMRest 3-4 minutes between setsWITHIN 1...Read More
Warm UpCoaches choice*wod 1 and 2 are teams of 2, wod 3 is teams of 4Wod 1- 8 minutesSplit how want10 Pulls ups16 Wall Balls Take 5 minutes to warm up to your DT weightWod 2- 12 Minutes of DT split how wantHow many rounds can you get a round of DT is12 Deadlifts9 Hang...Read More
TB games Practice at 11amEndurance at 8am, CrossFit at 9amAdult Weightlifting at 9am8am endurance – teams of 212 Minutes max cals on each machine. Doesn’t matter what machine you start on At 36 Minutes both partners will take off for an 800m- ish run. At the turn around there will be a truck parked with...Read More
Warm up:Straight through5 Inch Worms25 Single Unders / Doubles10 A-Frame Toe Touches25 Single Unders / Doubles15 Banded Good Mornings25 Double Unders / DoublesReview Rope ClimbsThen in teams of 310 Minute amrap max rope climbs Based on skill level, teams decide whetherathletes perform 3, 2, or 1 rep at a time.Scale: Rope PullsDeadlift reviewthen warm up...Read More
Warm up:2 Rounds15 air squats with band:10 bike sprint5 bear hug jumping squats:10 bike sprint10 wall balls:10 bike sprintBack Squat review3×3 empty bar back squatsHold 2 seconds at the bottom, string drive up*TipsCreate a shelf! Produce tension on the barbell, shoulder blades pulled together, pull down on barCore engaged PRIOR to removing bar for rigKnees...Read More