Warm up 8 minute partner row. 1 minute on one minute off Then together 25 Airsquats with a one second hold at the bottom 30 walking lunges 20 Push ups (correct push ups) Last heavy week of this 4 week Wendler Strength Cycle. Make sure you hit as many reps as possible on that last...Read More
Sunday Funday With a partner, with a running clock, split the work however you want 800m Run Grace (30 Clean and Jerks) Then- “Helen” 3 Rounds 42 KB swings 24 Pull ups Run 400 Together Then Karen 150 wall balls.Read More
Cinco De Drinko Get your workout in before you go out tonight! 8am Endurance- Famous Train Harder Triathlon 1500M row 1 Mile Run 1 Bike Tabata 1000m Row 800m Run 1 Bike Tabata 500M row 400m Run 1 Bike tabata *********** Write your bike cals down after every round! You get to take a second...Read More
Warm Up- Murph Practice Run 800m 5 rounds 5 Pull ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats 12 Minute cap *** if you run 800m inĀ more than 5 minutes then switch the run to a 400 Strength Bench Press (Use 90 percent of your 1 rep max, the same number you used last week, the...Read More
1200M Partner row.. switch every 200 Grab a bar. Go over Hang Power Cleans Do 10 every minute for 2 minutes as a class Go over Push jerk Do 10 every minute for 20 minutes Review the Deadlift Strength DEAD LIFT (en espanol – pesos muertos) (Use 90 percent of your 1 rep max, the...Read More
Bike 10 Minutes with a partner switch every minute Quickly review the strict press Review the Overhead squat (EMPTY BAR OF PVC) Perform 20 OHS and figure out if you are going to front squat or OHS for the wod This excerpt is directly from the CrossFit Journal “Start only when you have a strong...Read More
Intensity Over Volume. Don’t take my word for it. Take CrossFit Headquarters word for it…. after all.. they have only been doing this 2000 and have billions of dollars on the line figuring out the best way to “forge elite fitness” Hq Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9b6mMMMEug Warm Up- 5 Minute bike, meet at the board after Review...Read More
Warm up- 750 Meter row 30 Pass Throughs 30 Good mornings with Pvc 30 Air squats Review Pistol progressions. ** Choose your option for the workout at this time Review Handstand walk options (handstand holds, or bear crawls, no handstand push ups subs today) Review Toes to bar options (knee raises, sit ups) Strength Back...Read More
DONT PARK IN BACK TOMORROW! Sunday Funday- Teams of 3 Wod 1- (one partner planks, one partner wall balls, one partner rests) As many sets as possible of 10 wall balls… in 8 minutes one teammate does 10 wall balls, one planks, one rests.. . Wall ball person to moves to rest, rest person...Read More
12pm Beginner workout today!!! as well as the regular workouts.. bring a buddy in at 12. 8am Team Endurance Wod 1- 18 Minutes Partner 1- run 400 Partner 2- Bike for cals Score is your cals *Pace yourself on the bike.. 18 minutes is long time.. even if your splitting the work Wod 2-...Read More