6 minutes EMOM 5 pull ups10 push ups15 squats *if you have strict pull ups, start with strictStrength On a 15 Minute clock1 Jerk Dip + 1 Split Jerk w/ Pause in catch positionRest 1-2 minutesStart light and add weight each set (Goal is to go heavier than May 3rd)Good demo video hereTeam Misfit Gyms...
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4 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups 15 squats*this number will progressively go up over the next 2 weeks so you can get some Murph practice inThen,3 Rounds20 Double Unders (scale to 1:1 singles)8 Ground to Overhead with Plate 1 Wall ClimbBuilding competency in gymnastics requires hundreds, if not thousands, of quality reps,...
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Warm up3:00 Banded Glute Activation Walk1:00 Squat Hold2:00 of Bodyweight GFYs (Lunge, Lunge, Squat)1:00 Bike, Build in speed every :10 Then, 30 Russian KB Swings 53/35lbs focusing on violent hip extension Back Squat5-3-2-2-1-1-1Immediately after each set, perform an :08-12 AAB sprint for max wattage. As soon as your wattage starts to fall off, stop. Athletes...
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Wod 1, you go i go8 minutes 5 med ball cleans5 push ups5 Pull ups Wod 2- Ladder AMRAP Ascending Ladder (with a Partner) in 10 minutes; 2 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 1; 2 Synchronized Burpees; 2 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 2; 2 Synchronized Burpees; 4 Wall Ball Shots...
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8am endurance Mile time trial**We are warming up for this. you should not be going into a mile time trial without being thoroughly warmed up. *if you still want to after this3 Rounds for time with a partner split how you want1000 M row 50 Burpees AMRAP 24 Minutes, with a Partner alternating full rounds8/6...
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Fun day today. WARM UP your sprints. never ever sprint without some kind of warm upEvery :90 for 4:3010 Cossack Squats10 Jumping Back Squats10 Reverse LungesThen1:00 Leg Swing, Right Leg1:00 Leg Swing, Left Leg3 Rounds40yd “Flying sprint”R1: 30yd building in speed, 10yd sprintR2: 20yd building in speed, 20yd sprint R3: 10yd building in speed, 30yd...
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2 Rounds 15 BurpeesRun 400m*not everyone has the skills below. We will work on whatever progression you are on. that starts with just hanging from the bar to build grip strength. 2 Rounds:30 False Grip Hold from Pull Up Bar or just hang from the barRest as neededthen,2 Rounds5-10 False Grip Ring Rows/Ring Pull Upswe...
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Warm up Row 400m10 Burpee Box Jump Overs Then Split Snatch Skill work*****Skip to 4:30 on the video Every :90 for 7:304 R. Arm DB Split Snatch AHAP 4 L. Arm DB Split Snatch AHAPWorkout (this will take a 25 minutes)AMRAP 2:30 x 5200m/175m Row or ski (this means 200m for guys 175 for girls...
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400m Run10 PVC Pass Throughs20 PVC OH Lunges10 PVC Pass Throughs :15 Bike SprintOn a 15 Minute clock2 Pause Split Jerks Athlete will pause in the dip and in the catch before bringing their feet together. They may go heavy as long as technique is thereWod Every :90 for 18:00 10/6 Calorie Sprint*These are sprints.....
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Prepping for Murph the next couple weeks. Pull ups, push ups and squat will be part of the warm ups and wodWarm up6 minute amrap of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats Snatch Barbell warm upStrength- This will be a little tougher than it looks with the pull ups in it16 EMOMEven Minutes...
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