8am- Endurance Any Order Bike 3 Miles Run 1.5 Miles Row 3000 Meters 9am Mobility 10am Partner Chipper 10 minutes of max cals on the assault bike rest 2 minutes 8 Minutes of max pull ups rest 2 minutes 6 minutes of max wall balls rest 2 minutes 4 Minutes of max rower cals rest...Read More
Warm Up- Its a 20 rep squat day.. this is getting a little heavier, we are going to jump right into a squat warm up. You have until 20 after to get your squats done and put your bar away If you are there early, please bike, row, and/or stretch At the top of the...Read More
Warm Up starts at 5 after, be on time, want to get at much work on snatches as possible. row or bike while you are waiting We will go over all the movements and practice before we start the emom below (experienced athletes do this warm up with weight on the bar) 0-2 Minutes 10...Read More
Warm Up starts at 5 after, be on time, want to get at much work on the clean complex as possible. row or bike while you are waiting We will go over all the movements and practice before we start the emom below (experienced athletes do this warm up with weight on the bar) 0-2...Read More
Strength Day! Warm Up- 5 Minute Row then 30 OHS squats with pvc using the rig as your guide with the pvc pipe, chest up! ****Extra Work Posted at bottom of page Grab and empty bar! Strength-12 minutes to complete, get on it. DONT WORRY, there are more squats after 20 rep back squat, add...Read More
Warm Up- 2 Rounds 200m Run 20 Wall Squats 90 Seconds hurdler stretch each leg, 90 seconds couch stretch Wod first today- Accessory work after the wod is handstand progressions or a handstand push up or walk wod that a coach will help you with! Wod 2 rounds for time of: Run 1 mile 100...Read More
Tampa Bay Games Practice- TEAMS OF 4 today, try to get your original team in here if you are competing. 10 Min AMRAP- WOD 1 Buy In: Females Complete 500m Ski/Males Complete 500m Ski (CHANGE TO ROWER, 1 REGISTERED FULL TEAM CAN USE THE SKIER) 30 Synchronized Dumbbell Snatches (Elite 70/50) (RX, Int, Mas 50/35)...Read More
8am Endurance Its 400 time 400’s are fast! This is not a jog, if you can talk more than a couple words, you are going too slow BUT REMEMBER, you are trying to hold the same fast pace for all the intervals. Don’t go too fast on the first two! Hate running do 6×400 with...Read More
Warm up- 6 Minute partner row, switch every minute.. go fast! 30 Overhead squat therapy squats, use the rig if you have to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X-MLCHNwEU Grab a bar- Its back squat time! 20 reps, 5 pounds heavier than you did last time, you have 12 minutes to finish 30 minutes after the hour- Review the Hang...Read More
Warm up- 3 Rounds 200 M run 20 Weighted good morning 20 Walking lunge steps 10 Light Deadlifts (you’ll be using the same bar for the strength) Strength, Review the deficit deadlift! Points of performance. This strength should take you almost the whole hour, but if not there is great sprint Wod Below! Deficit deadlift...Read More