
There is some heavy lifting with 18.4 coming up tomorrow, but today’s lifting is at a controlled pace. This strength session in NOT for time. Slow down, not every section of every workout is CrossFit is done for speed. Empty bar coach led barbell warm up-Front squat technique work-Clean progressions StrengthThese strength sessions might not...
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Snatch barbell warm up Then EMOM for 10 MinutesEven Minute 1 set of 3 position power snatch (1 from the floor, one from the knees, one from power pos.) 75/55Odd minute- 7 thrusters 75/55 Wod- Courtesy of comptrainConditioning“It’s Goin’ Down”For Time:21-18-15-12:Hang power snatchThrustersAfter each set, 30 Double-UndersBarbell weight changes each round:21’s – 75/5518’s – 95/6515’s...
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Warm up-3 Rounds Run 2006 steps Samson Stretch30 Second bottom of squat hold4 Toes to bar or progressionsA long workout yesterday with high volume power cleans. Let the barbell rest until tomorrow. When you see a workout like this, with built in rest, and we haven’t done a strength portion that means you go full...
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As we do every Labor Day, the workout out of the day is the hero wod Hot Shots 19. On June 30, 2013 19 members of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hot Shot Crew lost their lives battling the 2,000 acre Yarnell Hill fire just south of Prescott AZ. Thank you for your service, you will...
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Sunday Sunday Sunday FUNdayWod 110 Minute Amrap3 Man Makers 70/50Run 200mWod 29 Minutes Amrap14 DB snatches alternating 14 Sit ups14 Lunges in place with single DBWod 38 Minutes 8 Double DB Clean and jerk8 Burpees 8 Air squats
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8amlast week we rowed, biked, ran.. this week it’s all run5k Race! it’s been awhile, lets do this. Much easier to run 3.1 when other people are with you. 9am and 10am3 sets for time: 1 round of Mary: 5 Handstand Push-ups + 10 Alternating Single Leg Squats + 15 Pull-ups 1 round of DT:...
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Warm up3 rounds 10 0HS with pvc200 m run5 Pull upsTake 15 Minutes to work on your overhead squats. You can practice of the rack but the workout the bar will come from the floor. Wod 18.2 Workout 18.3 2 rounds for time of:100 double-unders20 overhead squats100 double-unders12 ring muscle-ups100 double-unders20 dumbbell snatches100 double-unders12 bar...
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Conditioning day!20 Minute Amrap Wod 1Max Cals on bike or rower**Every 2 Minutes including 0:00 perform 10 burpees over your rower or set up a bar if you are using bike. Score is calories Rest 5 Minutes10 minutes max distance Farmer carry AHAPEvery Minute stop and do 5 burpees.*we will do this as 100m walks...
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Time to throw a little heavy weight back into the mixStrength- Deadlift 9-7-5-3Build up to warm up weight of 9 which should be about 60 percent of your 1rm, should only take a few sets, Add weight each set after that. Try to end at 3 at 90 percent. Wod5 Rounds Run 4005 Muscle ups...
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Barbell Warm UpMinute 1- 5 Snatch grip high pull, 5 power position power snatchMinute 2- 5 hang snatch from the knee, 5 OHSMinute 3- 5 Lift offs- pause at knee, slowly shift to power position pause there, finish with power snatch or squat snatchStrength 14 Minute EOMOM (7 Rounds)Without dropping the bar1 Lift off, pause...
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