Sunday Funday Teams of 2- Wod 1- 10 minutes 800M with a 45/25 plate Max wall balls with remaining time- 2 burpees each every time you switch off on the wall balls Wod 2- 12 Minute Amrap 10 Clean and Jerk 135/95 10 pull ups *clean and jerks and pull ups can be split however...Read More
8am Endurance 20 minute partner interval row Partner one rows 45 seconds… 15 seconds to switch, partner 2 goes. Partner bike 12 minutes max cals… switch on the minute. 2 burpees each on every switch 9am Mobility 10 am Partner chipper one partner works at a time “99 problems but thruster’s arent one” 35 minutes...Read More
Quick little warm up- 40 bike or rower cals 25 empty bar front squats Strength Front Squat Friday Heavy sets of 3 2 sets of warm up 2 more sets of moderate weight then load up that bar and 3,3,3,3,3. keep increasing wieght Wod 25 minutes Buy in 60/50 Bike cals- Go fast! There will...Read More
Warm up- 50 Pass throughs 25 empty bar presses Strength- Push Jerk from the rack Heavy sets of the 3 3,3,3,3,3,3 Wouldnt be a bad idea to pair up with someone on this workout so we dont have to have a million bars.. count reps for your buddy… Wod AMRAP 5 Minutes 50 Wall Ball...Read More
Warm Up 4 rounds 5 pulls ups 10 push ups 15 squats Strength Bench press 5 sets of 5 Wod- 18 Minute Amrap a little rest from the weights…. this is a long time to be doing this. pace yourself 8 HandStand Push Ups 10 pulls ups 16 Pistols (8 each leg) 40 Double unders...Read More
Warm Up- 50 airsquats 40 Calories on a rower 25 push ups Go in any order Strength Back Squats two sets of empty bar warm up two sets of gradually increasing weights that are still light.. you are still warming up THEN first working set 5,5,5,5,5 – No percentages, keep adding weight, get comfortable with...Read More
The grind begins. Lets get back to normal. Weather will cooling off soon, hurricanes are gone. Hurricane food should all be eaten up by now. Warm up 800 Meter Sand Bag run with a partner Strength. Clean and Jerk Work 5 sets of triples, gradually work up. Sets of three means this Do 1 SQUAT...Read More
We are open from 8-11am. There are classes and open gym at that time Classes are 8AM endurance- we are running 400’s tomorrow. need to get ready for the 2nd Annual Bill Turkey Sandwich 5k 9am Mobility with Amanda 10am Chipper wod saturday 30 minute cap partner wod 100 Kb Swings 100 Double Unders 100...Read More
Warm Up 4 Rounds 10 squats 10 push ups run 100M Strength Front Squat Friday Pause Squat 3,3,3,3,3 One second pause at the bottom every squat. Stay tight. dont forget to breathe at the top Wod 20 Minute Amprap (enjoy) 7 Dumbbell thrusters 8 Pull ups 9 Burpees Run 600M (600 is where the sidewalk...Read More
No power yet. soon I’m guessing. Too dark to run a 5am and 6am but we will have 7am CrossFit class 8am CrossFit class 9am open gym 10am CrossFit class 1pm to 3;45 pm open gym (open gym people have the floor cleared by 3:45) 4pm crossfit 5pm Crossfit 5;30 Kid class 6Pm crossfit and...Read More