“when is the workout going to post?”

Right now!

Show up even you don’t like partner wods. you’re not “slowing anybody down”.. that’s silly. both partners are working at the same time the entire workout so nobody is slowing anyone down. Partner workouts are the best!

Thursday 1 / 5 


6 min AMRAP  

25-sec machine (easy)  

25-sec machine (moderate) 

10-sec assault bike (hard) 

 10 push ups

 10 goblet squat light

Bench press 5×5
Try to go heavier than last session. If you didn’t make it last session choose a challenging weight through all 5 sets, but one you wouldn’t miss until maybe your last set

WORKOUT -start by 35

Teams of 2

20 Minute Amrap
Partner 1 does 4 sand bag cleans over the shoulder (100/75) walks the sand bag in bear hug 80 feet That’s 40 feet down 40 feet back, about the distance of the rig,  Then does another 4 sandbag cleans.

Partner 2 is rowing or on ski erg for cals

Switch spots when partner 1 is done with the second set of sandbag cleans.

Score would be cals plus cleans.

WARM-UP – (3:00 – 13:00)
Banded 7’s
6 min AMRAP
10 Box Jumps
3 Shoulder Press (empty bar)
3 Push Press (empty bar)3 Push Jerk (empty bar)

STRENGTH – (13:00 – 32:00)
3 Push Jerk x 5 sets @60-70% (1RM Clean and Jerk)
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Athletes have 10-12 minutes to complete 5 sets of 3 reps on push jerks between 60-70%. -Weight
should be comfortable but bordering on challenging and should not be at risk for missed reps.

WORKOUT – (32:00 – 52:00)
16:00 Amrap
16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
16 GHD’s (Ab Mat Sit ups)
16 Box Jump Overs (20 inch for all athletes)

Target number of Rounds: 7+ Rounds
Minimum number of Rounds before scaling: 5 rounds
COOLDOWN/MOBILITY – (56:00 – 60:00)
1:00 Quad Smash (each side)
1:00 Couch Stretch (each side)
1:00 Lizard (each side

WARM-UP – (3:00 – 20:00)
3:00 Assault Bike or Echo Bike (Alternate 30 secs Moderate/fast into 30 secs slow)
3 Sets
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 Snatch Grip Shoulder Press (PVC)
5 Overhead Squats (PVC)
5 Kip Swings

STRENGTH – (20:00 – 35:00)
3 Overhead Squats x 5 Sets @60-70% (1RM Snatch)
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Athletes have 10-12 minutes to complete 5 sets of 3 reps on overhead squats between 60-70%

WORKOUT – FRAN – (35:00 – 45:00)
Thrusters (95/65)
Target time: 2:30-3:30

Time cap: 6 minutes
Stimulus is high intensity. “Fran” is a classic benchmark workout that is low enough volume for athletes
to keep up a strong pace across the entire workout. Give athletes plenty of time to warm up, as this will
be a very quick workout for most athletes
Pull-ups: Athletes should choose a variation of pull ups that will allow them to complete sets of 5-10
reps at least at a time.
Thrusters: Weight selected should allow for an unbroken set of 21 reps when fresh (even though this is a
strategy that may not work well for all athletes)
MOBILITY – (52:00 – 60:00)
1 min couch stretch (each side)
1 min Bicep Wall Stretch
1 min Seal

WARM-UP – (3:00 – 14:00)
3:00 Machine
3 sets:
10 Lateral Hops over the rower (or line hops)
3 Inch Worms
10 Air Squats
WORKOUT PREP – (14:00 – 36:00)

2 Rounds
5/4 Calorie Row
2 Burpee Over Rower

WORKOUT – (14:00 – 36:00)
10 rounds
16/13 Calorie Row
8 Burpee Over Rower
Target time: sub 14 minutes
Time cap: 18 minutes

ACCESSORY – (36:00 – 50:00)
Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps 4×10
Russian Kettlebell Swing 4x10ACCESSORY:
Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps Focus: Hold a DB or KB in a front loaded position. Focus on keeping
tension in the legs throughout out sets. Stop just before full lockout at the top of each rep for added
time under tension. Perform 1 and a half reps by squatting below parallel, raise to above parallel, return
below parallel, and then stand. Do not bounce out of the bottom of any reps.
Russian Kettlebell Swing Focus: Start with the KB on the ground in front of the body. Hike the KB to the
hips and use a violent hip extension of the hips to drive the KB to shoulder height. Torso should stay
vertical at the top of the swing and lats should be engaged to drive the KB back down. Athlete should
make sure that glutes and core are engaged for a solid hollow position at apex of swing.
MOBILITY – (56:00 – 56:00)
1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min calf stretch against wall (each side)
1 min foam roll upper ba

Happy New Year! We are closed today! see you Monday bright and early at 5am so you can start on those New Year Resolutions!

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