3 Sets, For Quality
6/6 Kettlebell Windmill
10 Scapular Push-Ups (Slow and Controlled)
1:00 banded glute steps
10 empty bar deadlifts
:20/:20 second Side Plank

***show up today even if you don’t have handstand push ups. There is always a sub. Not showing because you are still working on some movements is not a way to get better.

Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
5 Bench Press
Start @ 70% and increase to a 5 Rep Max

wod option 1
Heavy Strict Diane
For Time
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Deadlifts 315/205

Wod option 2
Original Diane
Deadlifts 225/155

Ego is not your amigo on either version of this workout. pick a deadlift weight that is a WORKING weight not close to a one rep max. The heavy strict version is supposed is meant to slow you down. This is not a fran type workout.

The lighter higher rep version is meant to a little quicker and allow for kipping hspu.

Warm up
4 Rounds
:45 second machine
2 sets of bar shapes (hang, hollow hold, hand, arch, hang)
5 thrusters
*add weight to thruster each round

Strength/Barbell conditioning
Every 2 minutes
10 Thrusters
8 thrusters
6 thrusters
4 Thrusters
2 thrusters
*add weight each time

4 Sets
4:00 AMRAP
1:00 Max Unbroken Sets of 5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
400m Run
-Max Calorie Row in the Remaining Time
Rest 2:00 minutes between sets
*if you are not going to make it back to the machine because of the 400 we are going to cut the distance back

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy: We are looking for quick short sets of chest to bar pull-ups, with minimal rest as we
tackle this workout. We have been building the progressions here with different styles
of chest to bar workouts to develop form and efficiency. Overall by Week 6, we should
be feeling much more fluid and consistent. The goal with this is to tackle 3-4 sets on
the Chest to Bar, then move into the run where we should be targeting a pace at or
around 5k race pace. Finally we will come back into the gym and jump on the rower to
burn each interval down and target a hard and challenging pace. The goal is to have
1:00 minute or so on the rower at the end of each interval. This would mean that each
run is done in under 2:00 minutes.

Warm up
3 Minutes Machines
Then 3 Rounds
7 Airsquats with a 2 second hold at the bottom
10 banded glute steps each way
5 Burpee broad jumps

Start building to your first set of 5 for the back squats. We’re building to a heavy set of 5 today.
Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
5 Back Squats
Start @ 70% and increase to a 5 Rep Max (or close)

Prioritize bracing your midline and generating tension throughout your body. Take a
deep, breath before each repetition. For those who need to scale the
squat today, consider using a box squat to alleviate stress on the knees and lower
back. Alternatively, you can explore other unilateral modifications such as Bulgarian
split squats, weighted step-ups, or similar exercises if lower back concerns arise

Wod (do not do more than 20-30 ghds if you havent done them in awhile)
16:00 EMOM
Minute 1: 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges, For Load
Minute 2: 15 GHD Sit-ups (or sit ups BE CAREFUL on Ghd)
Minute 3: 50 Double Unders or 30 Crossover Singles
Minute 4: Rest

This workout is meant to be a specific strength conditioning / accessory piece that will
allow athletes to really tackle some accessory single leg strength work while also
targeting some practice on GHD’s and Jump Rope. By slowing things down and having
these movements in the loading and rep scheme as prescribed, we can really work to
increase strength work and specific practice on these movements.

4 Minutes Machine
Then Barbell Warmup Together
-after warm up build to a weight HIGHER than you are using for the workout


Part A)
8:00 minute AMRAP
AMRAP Rounds of “The Chief” From 0:00 TO 8:00
3 Power Clean, 135/95 (61/43 kg)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
Every Minute on the Minute Starting @ 0:00
Complete 5 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
Rest 2 Minutes from 8:00 To 10:00
Then complete

Part B)
From 10:00-18:00 minutes (8:00 minutes)
For Time: Finish this in 8 minutes
5 Power Clean @ 70%
5 Power Clean @ 75%
3 Power Clean @ 80%
3 Power Clean @ 85%
1 Power Clean @ 90%

IF IF IF you are feeling good and time permits take a few minutes after the workout and do a few reps at 90 percent +++++

Teams of 2
Wod 1-split work as needed
10 Minute Amrap
Ski 300/250
20 shoulder to overhead 155/115 (should be weight you can get 10 reps of unbroken)

Wod 2
9 Minutes- split how you want
14 power cleans
14 Burpees
14 synchro air squats

Wod 3-15 minutes cap

3 Rounds for time:

90 M Sled Push (Each teammates does 15M down / 15M back relay style to get 90M Total)
15 Sync CTB (2 athletes) or pull ups or ring rows
20 HSPU (1 athlete) switch as needed (or db presses)
25 Sync TTB (2 Athletes) or knee raises or sit ups
30 Wallballs (1 athlete)

1 76 77 78 79 80 540