Teams of 2- split how you want
10 Minute amrap
10 Heavy sandbags over shoulder
20 Push ups
20 sit ups

Wod 2-12 minutes
12 clean and push jerks
14 Pull ups
16 Burpees over you bar

Wod 3
Row or Ski 4000/3500

All cardio for 8am
Teams of 4
40 Minute Amrap
Ski- Teammate 1
Bike – Teammate 2
Row- Teammate 3
Run 400- Teammate 4
When teammate 4 comes back they go to ski, ski, goes to bike, bike to row, row to run
Keep cycling through. Switch when the person running gets back

9a Crossfit

Workout 1-
12 Minute Amrap
10 wall balls
15 KB swings
20 Box step ups with Kb
25 cal row

Workout 2
9 Minutes
10 Pull ups
20 air Sqauts
Ski 200m

Weightlifting warm up

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Squat Clean
Every 90 seconds, 8 Sets
1+1+2 @ 70-75%
That means 1 power clean, 1 hand power clean, 2 squat cleans from the floor

After the strength we will go over some muscle up progressions to give you a chance to find what movement you will be using for the workout.

6 Rounds for Time
4 Ring Muscle-Ups *scale by reps or movent, bar MU are an option
8 Power Cleans 135/95lb, (61/43kg)
12 Wall Balls 20/14lb, (9/6kg) , 10/9ft
Rest 1:00 minute between rounds

Lot’s of way to scale today. Remember when you see muscle ups in a workout… DON’T SKIP. there are subs for everything and there are far more people that CAN’T do muscle ups than can. We just write the toughest version of the workout on the board as a reference point for most people to scale back from

Time Domain: 1:30-2:00 / Set
Time Cap: 20:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Complete each round in 2:00 minutes or less
Secondary Objective: Consistent pace or slightly descending across all 6 rounds

Ring Muscle-Up

  • For the Ring Muscle-Up, focus on engaging your lats effectively. The movement should be initiated by transitioning from an arch to a hollow body position, which helps in driving your hips toward the rings. As you do this, simultaneously pull your feet back under your body, facilitating the motion to propel your torso above the rings. This technique is key to achieving a smooth and efficient muscle-up.
  • If you need to modify the exercise, there are several alternatives. One option is to practice Low Ring Banded Ring Muscle-Ups, which provides assistance and reduces the body weight you need to lift. Another variation is the Box Transition Ring Muscle-Up, which allows you to work on the transition phase of the muscle-up with your feet on a box, reducing the intensity. Alternatively, you can focus on building foundational
    strength through a combination of strict pull-ups and strict dips or Toenail Spot Pull-Ups and Push-Ups.These exercises strengthen the muscles required for the muscle-up while offering a more manageable progression.

8:00 minutes for Quality
10/10 Arm Swings (Forward and Back)
5 Hollow to Arch Roll- from the window to the wall
:20/:20seconds Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
10 Scapular Push-Ups

40 minute EMOM

Minute 1- 12-9 cal bike
minute 2: 50/50ft (15/15m) Crossbody High Low KB Carry 53/35lb, (24/16kg)
minute 3: 13/10 Calorie Ski Erg
minute 4: 10 Shoot Throughs
**we will options for the shoot throughs, like hollow hold and arch holds

The goal today is to treat this more like active recovery and working into a steady state
pace on the workout. The main focus here will turn into the KB High Low Carry and the
Shoot throughs. The shoot throughs can be done from high boxes to low level parallettes
depending on the athlete’s ability today. Choose the most challenging option that you can
consistently hit. For the KB High Low Carry, we are looking for the same weight KB in
each arm, however we know that going overhead could be a challenge, so adjusting that
to a lighter load would be a beneficial adjustment for the day

3 Sets, For Quality
12/9 Calorie Machine
8 Alternating Box Step-Ups
8 Step-Down Box Jumps 24/20’’
*lets step down today and most days. snapped Achilles are not a good thing. rebounding box jumps are not a great movements. the open is next week. stay healthy
8 muscle snatch
8 low hang power snatch *start 2 inches below your new

Strength.. lighter weight today

8:00 minute EMOM
Muscle Snatch + Low Hang Power Snatch
Suggested starting load @ 40% of 1RM Snatch

For the Muscle Snatch we are looking to drive forcefully through the floor while
keeping the bar close and developing a fast turnover and punch to finish with the
barbell ending over midline of the body. We will then move the barbell to the low hang
position, which is dictated as 2 inches below the knee. The key here is the stretch of
the hamstring and staying over the bar, while pushing the ground away. Work the
same aggressive turnover and bar close technique, then punch fast and move the feet
into a quarter squat position to receive the bar.


13:00 minute AMRAP
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatch
5 Box Jump Overs 30/24”
Rounds 1-2: 95/65lb, (43/30kg)
Rounds 3-4: 135/95lb, (61/43kg)
Rounds 5-6: 155/105lb, (70/48kg)
Rounds 7+: 185/125lb, (84/57kg)

Primary Objective: Complete 6+ Rounds
Secondary Objective: Complete Rounds 1-4 as unbroken TnG Snatch Reps

This workout is centered around the Snatch, however by addin in the component of a
higher box jump today we will need to stay focused and slow the heart rate down a bit
to make sure these are done safely and effectively. We should be able to tackle the
first 4 rounds of this workout with TnG Power Snatch weights before needing to pull
things back a bit and hitting quick singles for the rest of the workout. The goal is to get
to that 7th round and have to challenge our system to hit heavier loads under some
fatigue, mimicking the style and feel of previous CrossFit Open workouts

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