10:00 minutes, For Quality
30 second Ski Erg or Row
5 Inchworm Push-Up to Mountain Climber Deep Lunge Stretch
5/5 Crossover Step-Up, 20-24’’ Box
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
10-15 second Chest to Rings Hold

chest to bar progressions
pistol progressions

For Time
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
25 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
30 Pistols
40/32 Calorie Ski
30 Pistols
25 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
Time Domain: 15:00-20:00 minutes
Time Cap: 25:00 minutes

We should start at a conservative pace today with the focus to learn how to breath
through the movements and keep manageable quick sets with short rest periods in order
to save ourselves for the back half of this workout as the fatigue will build with this highly
taxing muscular stamina style workout. Pick a pace on the Ski that is challenging and
push there as we can relax the arms during the Pistol Squats. The workout really comes
down to the last sets of Chest to Bar and Burpee Box Jump Overs and if athletes have
paced accordingly

Machine Alternatives for the Day
1) 40/32 Calorie Row
2) 32/23 Calorie Echo Bike

Accessory work
Optional Accessories
4 Sets, For Quality
10 Goblet Cyclist Squat
8/8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
15 Tall Kneeling Straight Arm Banded Lat Pull Down

Teams of 2

Workout 1
9 Minutes of alternating rounds of
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats

Between workout 1 and 2 we will have you warm up to your weight for the next wod

15 Minute Amrap Wod 2
4 Alternating rounds (each person goes twice) of
3 deadlifts
4 hang cleans
5 shoulder to over head
*at the end of these 4 alternating rounds parnters complete
40 Wall balls (split as you want, one working at a time)

Wod 3- for quality movement and ultimate pump.
700/600m ski split how you want
60 skull crushers (3 sets of 10 Or 6 sets of 5 each at a challenging weight)
700/600 meter Ski split how you want
60 Barbell curls (3 sets of 10 Or 6 sets 5 of each at a challenging weight)
700/600 meter Ski split how you want
60 Bench Press (3 sets of 10 Or 6 sets of 5 each and challenging weight)

*you could use the same bar throughout and just keep adding weight for each exercise. If your partner is using way different weights you might need 2 bars.

*split reps evenly on all movements even if you have to use different weights. 30 reps each no matter how you split it

*push the weight on these movements while maintaining good form. they are not kipping curls. this in not for time BUT keep moving. When your partner is done with their weightlifting movement get right to yours. Spot each other bench and skull crushers please.

8am endurance
Teams of 3-40 Minute Amrap
Partner 1- Row 500
Partner 2- Sandbag burpee get overs
Partner 3-ski for meters
After partner 1 completes the row, all 3 partners go outside and do 10 sled pushes. down and back is 1.

9am crossfit
5 Rounds for Time
15 Hang Power Snatch 75/55lb, (34/25kg)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Wall Balls 20/14lb, (9/6kg)
Rest 1:00 minute between rounds

go to games.crossfit.com to see the workout of the day
the workout of the day will be the regular class workout at
5am, 6am, 9am, 10am.
From 4pm to 6:30pm we will run heats of the workout. We will start a heat when there are a few people ready to go.

I will be grilling out again. Hot dogs and sausages this week.

Open Workout 24.2 will be announced today at 3 at games.crossfit.com
I know we have been doing a lot of burpees, but we are also programming around the open.
We will offer a couple options for workouts today. If you want to take it a little easier you can skip the strength and just do the the cardio piece at moderate pace.

If you want to keep on training like normal, and take whatever is thrown at you tomorrow, just like any other day of training do the strength and the short run/burpee workout with or without a weight vest. This is why we do crossfit all year right? so we are ready for anything on anyday.

warm up
4 minutes machine directly into 4 minutes of
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats

5×5 bench press at a moderate weight

Run 800 slowly
row 800 moderately
run 800 slowly



12 minute Amrap (with or without a weight vest)
Run 200
10 Burpees
Run 200
15 burpees
run 200
20 burpees
and so on…..

1 71 72 73 74 75 540