Last week to take advantage of these Holiday Deals.
Awesome Deal On personal training. Limit one hour per person. Click here to purchase online
Awesome offer from Bernie on Nutritional Guidance. Click here! 
and last but not least, give the gift of fitness to friend $69 foundations classes! 4 one on one sessions made for a beginner to learn crossfit.

Basic skills week! and Dumbbell week!
Squats, push ups, pull ups and pull up progressions all week in the warm ups

800m sandbag run with a buddy
then “Bring Sally Up” perfect squats.. too easy? put a light bar on your back

10 minute emom
1 squat clean
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 Jerk

3 Rounds for time
10 Chest to bar pull ups
20 Dumbbell thrusters 50/35
400 M Run

Last week to take advantage of these Holiday Deals.
Awesome Deal On personal training. Limit one hour per person. Click here to purchase online
Awesome offer from Bernie on Nutritional Guidance. Click here! 
and last but not least, give the gift of fitness to friend $69 foundations classes! 4 one on one sessions made for a beginner to learn crossfit.

Basic skills week! and Dumbbell week!
Squats, push ups, pull ups and pull up progressions all week in the warm ups

Warm up
5 minutes bike
50 strict Pull ups. or 50 reps of a pull up progression, no kipping or butterfly

sets of 4 push press
Dip and Drive!

15 Minutes
10 Box Jumps
10 Dumbbell push presses 50/35
30 Double unders
Run 100M (run dont jog)

Last week to take advantage of these Holiday Deals.
Awesome Deal On personal training. Limit one hour per person. Click here to purchase online
Awesome offer from Bernie on Nutritional Guidance. Click here! 
and last but not least, give the gift of fitness to friend $69 foundations classes! 4 one on one sessions made for a beginner to learn crossfit.

Basic skills week! and Dumbbell week!
Squats, push ups, pull ups and pull up progressions all week in the warm ups

Row 500
Then 50 Push ups
All the way down, hips and chest touch the floor, all the way up, arms locked out. too easy? partner up and have someone put a weight on your back. Too difficult? We will show you several variations to help work towards that perfect push up.

Back squats
Build to a heavy single- you don’t have to max out. Newer members will do 5 sets of 5 with perfect form.
10, 10 (very light warm up) 7,5,3,3,1,1,1.

3 Rounds
15 Hspu (sub regular push ups
20 Dumbell Squats 50/35
25 Burpees


The inside of the gym is closed… but so many activities outside the gym.. be there or be square.

Field Day Jorondpalooza!  Click here for details
4th Annual Holiday Anniversary Bash Click here for details

DON’T FORGET! Lots of awesome stuff this week.
Field Day Jorondpalooza!  Click here for details
4th Annual Holiday Anniversary Bash Click here for details
Awesome Deal On personal training. Limit one hour per person. Click here to purchase online
Awesome offer from Bernie on Nutritional Guidance. Click here! 
and last but not least, give the gift of fitness to friend $69 foundations classes! 4 one on one sessions made for a beginner to learn crossfit.

Warm up-
Tell jokes

Deadlift city-
Work with a partner to push each other
Heavy sets of 3

6 rounds for time
5 Deadlifts 275/195
5 bar muscle ups (sub 8 chest to bar pull ups, or 10 pulls ups, or 12 ring rows
7 strict handstand push ups (sub 10 Dumbbell presses or 10 kipping HSPU)
Run 200

Higher Rep Lower weight version *there is a mile and half of running in this, use YOUR light weight if you’re doing this version something you can do 10 times unbroken
6 Rounds for time
10 Deadlifts
15 ringrows
10 push ups
Run 400

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