Tuesday June 5th

Jason Ackerman, a Level 4 Crossfit Coach, will be speaking Friday June 8th from 5:30p, to 6:30pm and teaching a class from 6:30 to 7:30, don’t miss it!
free for members

Victoria will be teaching a handstand clinic from 11am to 12 pm on Saturday June 9th, free for members.

Coach Jordon’s youth weightlifting program starts Monday June 4th. Classes are in the morning. Its all summer long and you can register anytime. Please let him or I know by Wednesday!


Warm up
8 minutes of partner bike
Barbell Warm up- e
0-2  Minutes 10 Strict Press
2-4 8 Push Press
4-6 10 Minutes Empty bar sumo deadlift high pull

Strength Strict Press
5×40%, 5×50%, 3×60%, 5X75%, 3X85%, As many reps as possible at 95%
Max week, next week is deload week.

3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of weighted ab mat sit-ups with slam ball 30/20
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of  sit-ups weighted
Rest 1 minute

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.



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