Sunday Funday Teams of 2.
It’s going to be 80 all week, low in the 60s, perfect weather for fitness!

Team of 2- going to be some strategy today…..

Wod 1-
6 Minutes (Switch places at the 3 minute mark)
-One Partner rows for cals
-One partner does burpees
(communicate, be sure to tell where you left off on burpees so you can keep a running total)
Score is Cals + Burpees

Wod 2-
4 Minutes-
As many as pounds as possible lifted from the ground to overhead-
Will you snatch? will you clean and jerk? will you go heavy, will you go lighter for more reps? Your team has to figure it out

40 snatches at 100 pounds would be 4000 pounds lifted
70 Clean and jerks at 70 pounds would be 4900 pounds lifted

the choice is yours, the force will not help you on this one young jedi’s

Wod 3-
12 Minute Amrap
20 wall balls
20 pulls ups
200 Meter run

Split the wall balls and pull ups however you want. Both partners run.

8am Endurance
400’s with a friend.. running 400’s with friends is so much easier.
8×400 or 10×400
Run these on the post office road
Run 400 Rest 2:00. Dont run your first 2 or 3 too fast, even pace the whole time

9am Mobility

10am chipper wod

Individual chipper- Complete in any order
4 sled pushes (down and back is one)
20 Cal ski erg
20 Cal bike
40 Dumbbell presses (shoulder to over head, 1 dumbbell each hand)
40 Kb swings
50 wall balls
50 sit ups
60 Slam balls
60 walking lunges
80 Air squats
1000 Meter row


Warm up-
3 rounds,
15 situps
15 squats
30 second plank hold
10 empty bar power snatches

10 Minutes emom
3 power snatches.. from the ground, work up,

4 Rounds
Run 400M
10 Hand Stand Push Ups (sub strict dumbbell presses
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Snatches 115/75
2 rope climbs.

Warm up
Row 750
40 Airsquats
Grab an empty bar
10 squats with an empty bar. sit in the bottom position for 5 seconds core tight, back tight, no slouching, coaches are going to fix your bottom positions.

Back Squats
work from 70 percent to about 85… last set is as many reps as possible.. USE SPOTTERS!

Deadlifts 185/135
Pistols (air squat, just double the numbers)
Hand Release Push ups

Warm up

Bench Press
Sets of 10,

Wod—- lets go long and light
25 minutes
60 cal bike buy in
-Then Amrap of-
10 Kb swings 55/35
15 Burpees
20 Rower Cals (use whatever rower in open if there are more people than rowers.. this is not a crisis situation.. you wont have to wait more than 30 seconds, someone will be done)

1 458 459 460 461 462 528