Due by December 31st- EVERYONE please fill out a new paper waiver. LEGIBLY. Also please read and sign a new membership hold and cancellation policy. We will be happy to answer any questions about that. We want you here! We are results driven.The new hold/cancellation policy will take effect on January 1st.
Reminder- Some of us are heading to the beach for the New Years. Staying at Hotel Sol. Link here. Three night minimum. Something different to do rather than wait last minute and hang around the area.
If you have any friends interested in trying the gym, try to get them in this week. We we will have our usual rush after the New Year. Get a head start on everyone else.
Our kids program is doing great. Bring your kids in for a few free trial classes before you decide on a membership. Never any contracts with kids memberships.
Nutrition- Lets be honest with ourselves. The holidays are not an excuse to eat and drink uncontrollably. Don’t work your butt off for 11 months to undo everything in one month. Self-control, no excuses. It really is that simple.
Now to the good stuff.
Warm up

5 minute bike or row then
10 Samson Stretch
15 Overhead Squat with PVC
20 Sit-up
20 Pull-up (Strict if you can, sub ring rows or negatives)
20 dips rings or bench

Get your bar ready for a squat clean and jerk and EMOM

10 Minute EMOM
1 Squat Clean
2 hang power cleans
1 jerk

Wod 4 rounds of funky-
Run 400
5 Power clean and jerk 185/135
7 Hand stand push ups
2 rope climbs

Due by December 31st- EVERYONE please fill out a new paper waiver. LEGIBLY. Also please read and sign a new membership hold and cancellation policy. We will be happy to answer any questions about that. We want you here! We are results driven.The new hold/cancellation policy will take effect on January 1st.
Reminder- Some of us are heading to the beach for the New Years. Staying at Hotel Sol. Link here. Three night minimum. Something different to do rather than wait last minute and hang around the area.
If you have any friends interested in trying the gym, try to get them in this week. We we will have our usual rush after the New Year. Get a head start on everyone else.
Our kids program is doing great. Bring your kids in for a few free trial classes before you decide on a membership. Never any contracts with kids memberships.
Nutrition- Lets be honest with ourselves. The holidays are not an excuse to eat and drink uncontrollably. Don’t work your butt off for 11 months to undo everything in one month. Self-control, no excuses. It really is that simple.
Now to the good stuff.
Warm up

5 minute bike or row then
10 Samson Stretch
15 Overhead Squat with PVC
20 Sit-up
20 Pull-up (Strict if you can, sub ring rows or negatives)
20 dips rings or bench

Deadlift dead legs day
Work up to heavy a 3 reps, no one rep maxes today
rep scheme will look something like this
start out at about 6o percents. add 5 or 10 pounds, work up slowly. round back..no good.

14 Minutes Amrap
10 Toes 2 Bar (sub 20 sit ups)
10 Kb swings 70/55
50 Foot weighted walking lunge outside with dumbbells
Run 200

Accessory work-
Option 1

5 rounds
Max reps muscle ups- bar or ring (go till you miss)
run 200
rest 2 minutes between rounds

Option 2
5 rounds
Max ring rows until you cant pull anymore
run 200
Rest 1:00 minute between rounds.

Due by December 31st- EVERYONE please fill out a new paper waiver. LEGIBLY. Also please read and sign a new membership hold and cancellation policy. We will be happy to answer any questions about that. We want you here! We are results driven.The new hold/cancellation policy will take effect on January 1st.
Reminder- Some of us are heading to the beach for the New Years. Staying at Hotel Sol. Link here. Three night minimum. Something different to do rather than wait last minute and hang around the area.
If you have any friends interested in trying the gym, try to get them in this week. We we will have our usual rush after the New Year. Get a head start on everyone else.
Our kids program is doing great. Bring your kids in for a few free trial classes before you decide on a membership. Never any contracts with kids memberships.
Nutrition- Lets be honest with ourselves. The holidays are not an excuse to eat and drink uncontrollably. Don’t work your butt off for 11 months to undo everything in one month. Self-control, no excuses. It really is that simple.
Now to the good stuff.

All that Holiday Junk food is piling up…lets go long today.

*****This is very good example of what our new FIT classes will be like******

Warm up-
5 minute bike or row
10 Samson Stretch
15 Overhead Squat with PVC
20 Sit-up
20 Pull-up (Strict if you can, sub ring rows or negatives)
20 dips rings or bench

Get your equipment ready for the wods. BE ON TIME today. Don’t hold up the class. Wods Start at 15 after the hour. Stop your warm up at 10 after if your are not done with it and get your equipment ready.


Wod 1- 6 minutes of wall balls, with a twist- two burpees every 30 seconds

Wod 2
12 minute amrap
10 Bike Cals
20 Double unders (60 singles if you have been here a year, 40 singles if you have been here less than a year)

wod 3
12 Minute Amrap
Row 20 Calories
20 HAND RELEASE push ups

You will be jacked after wod 3.


Due by December 31st- EVERYONE please fill out a new paper waiver. LEGIBLY. Also please read and sign a new membership hold and cancellation policy. We will be happy to answer any questions about that. We want you here! We are results driven.The new hold/cancellation policy will take effect on January 1st.
Reminder- Some of us are heading to the beach for the New Years. Staying at Hotel Sol. Link here. Three night minimum. Something different to do rather than wait last minute and hang around the area.
If you have any friends interested in trying the gym, try to get them in this week. We we will have our usual rush after the New Year. Get a head start on everyone else.
Our kids program is doing great. Bring your kids in for a few free trial classes before you decide on a membership. Never any contracts with kids memberships.
Nutrition- Lets be honest with ourselves. The holidays are not an excuse to eat and drink uncontrollably. Don’t work your butt off for 11 months to undo everything in one month. Self-control, no excuses. It really is that simple.
Now to the good stuff.

Warm Up-
5 minute double under practice

10 Samson Stretch
15 Overhead Squat with PVC
20 Sit-up
20 Pull-up (Strict if you can, sub ring rows or negatives)
20 dips rings or bench

Strength- Front Squat with a hold, sets of 4
80 to 85 percent really pushing it) for all sets.. so get your warm up sets in.
****two second pause at the bottom of every squat. Chest up, back straight, elbows high high high high.


12 Minutes total-
1000 Meter Row Buy In
Then with remaining time
10 Pull ups
8 Snatches 135/95
6 Front squats 135/95
This weight should be heavy but movable with very little rest between reps..  a few seconds at the most. Scale appropriately. Wods are about intensity not weight. Intensity is king in wods. Listen to your coaches about weights. There will be very few people “going rx” on this wod. If you cant touch and go the weight for 4 or 5 reps your first few rounds, its too heavy.

Accessory work-
100 cal bike at moderate pace.. not there.. 50 cal bike

Monday December 18th-
Due by December 31st- EVERYONE please fill out a new paper waiver. LEGIBLY. Also please read and sign a new membership hold and cancellation policy. We will be happy to answer any questions about that. We want you here! We are results driven.The new hold/cancellation policy will take effect on January 1st.
Reminder- Some of us are heading to the beach for the New Years. Staying at Hotel Sol. Link here. Three night minimum. Something different to do rather than wait last minute and hang around the area.
If you have any friends interested in trying the gym, try to get them in this week. We we will have our usual rush after the New Year. Get a head start on everyone else.
Our kids program is doing great. Bring your kids in for a few free trial classes before you decide on a membership. Never any contracts with kids memberships.
Nutrition- Lets be honest with ourselves. The holidays are not an excuse to eat and drink uncontrollably. Don’t work your butt off for 11 months to undo everything in one month. Self-control, no excuses. It really is that simple.
Now to the good stuff.

Warm Up-
5 minute bike or row then

10 Samson Stretch
15 Overhead Squat with PVC
20 Sit-up
20 Pull-up (Strict if you can, sub ring rows or negatives)
20 dips rings or bench
Grab and empty bar and practice push jerks

Strength-Push Jerk 10 minute Emom- We will take the bar from the floor today
1 Power clean
3 push jerks

5 rounds-
9 Power Cleans 155/105
20 Foot handstand walk (sub 30 seconds handstand hold on the wall, 10 Handstand pushups, or 15 dumbbell presses)
1 Sled Push

accessory work-
50 ring dips or 50 push ups

The “Samson” stretch:
1.Lace fingers and turn palms outward locking
2.Push arms and hands out to horizontal
3.Push hands forward and head back getting nose
as far away from hands as possible
4.Keep gaze straight ahead
5.Push arms to overhead
6.Push hands hard towards ceiling
7.Keep arms perpendicular to floor
8.Keep palms turned to ceiling
9.Close space between head and arms by raising
10.Lunge as far forward as possible with one leg
11.Let trailing leg’s knee settle to ground
12.Push hips forward feeling stretch in front leg
and back
13.Maintain push to ceiling, perpendicular arms,
closed arm-head gap, gaze forward
14.Hold for 30 seconds
15.Repeat with other leg
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