1000m partner row warm up.. nice and easy. get your equipment ready.. we start at 10:15

Ladies Night
Complete with a partner, with a running clock…BUT just for fun we will start all this with an 600m run
Grace, Karen, Helen  Split work.. EXCEPT on HELEN

Run 600-Both Partners
30 Clean and jerks 135/95

3 Rounds
400m run- Run togther- cant start KB swings until both partners are back
21 KB Swings Each (only 1 KB Per team)
12 Pull ups each

annnnnnndddddddd then

150 wall balls split how you want

Let’s fill the gym!!! Great turnouts for Saturdays lately!!! Be part of the fun. Don’t be the one that says “I wish I was there last Saturday”

Challenge competitors. Be sure to stop out and weigh in if you haven’t. 8am until 11ish.

8am Endurance
8×400.. 2:00 minute rest between. Do these on the post office road. make them the best 400’s ever. you have two minute breaks. get recovered and go!

9am Mobility with Amanda. The class you NEED to take but are trying to avoid!

10am- Partner chipper- Get your bar ready before the wod 35 minute cap
Row 1000M
Run 900? with med ball
80 Deadlifts 135/95
70 wall balls 30/20
60 Cleans 135/95 (this will take awhile, pace accordingly)
50 Walking lunge (25 each.. this is your break.. enjoy it)
40 Shoulder to overhead 135/95
30 yard sled push AHAP
20  OHS 135/95 (Sub out front squats if you can not OHS)
10 Man Makers!!!!!

Warm up- Run a nice easy mile
40 ohs with pvc
20 empty bar Front squats
20 Light deadlifts

10 Minute emom
3 heavy deadlifts

Wod-18 minutes
Buy In- 40 Handstand push ups or DB presses, or regular push ups
Then remaining time amrap of
7 Front Squats 185/135
200m run
5 Ring muscle up. sub is 5 bar muscle up or 10 pull ups or 15 ring rows.

Warm Up
800 M sandbag run with a partner
80 slam balls with a partner
20 Empty bar power snatches

10 Minutes Emom
1 Power Snatch
1 Full Snatch

Wod For time
60 Calorie bike buy
4 rounds
9 Full Snatches 135/95
9 ring dips
1 sled push
Immediately followed up by 800m run
Time stops when you come in from your run

Warm Up-
40 Push ups
40 ring rows
40 Pass throughs
1 shoulder stretch-coaches choice

6 set of 5 Strict Press
From First! Your neck shouldnt be pinched back, you SHOULD NOT be looking at the ceiling or the bar going up. the end position of the bar is directly above your ears, NOT out in front of you

Wod- Rowing Nightmare, this is a lot harder than it looks, don’t skip because “its just rowing”
Partner up with someone who rows about as fast as you
6 sets of 500m row, rest is equal to time it took you to row- post all your rounds on the chalk board! Push each other. this workout is what you make it. If you are talking about who won “the Voice” or who was on “the view” while you are rowing…. you aren’t giving it enough effort.. not even close.



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